Excitement returns to Chennai as Honda kicks-off Round 2
Excitement returns to Chennai as Honda kicks-off Round 2 of the National Racing Championship
Ø Round 2 of Honda One Make Race to be held at Madras Motor Race Track from August 12 to 14
Ø Honda leads racing culture with total of 52 entries across India in Round 2!
Ø 20 racers complete the grid for CBR 150R Open championship
Ø 11 racers from 5 professional teams to compete in Honda’s flagship CBR 250R Team championship
Ø 8 women riders complete the grid for Round 2 of Honda All Ladies Race
Ø 13 CBR 150R to participate in Stock 165 (Novice), Pro-Stock 165 (Open) and Super Sport Indian 165 (modified)
Chennai, August 11, 2016: The Round 2 of Honda One Make Race is set to take off on full steam this weekend! The second round will witness a total of 52 entries from Honda across categories including 13 CBR 150R race machines leased to teams for National Championships.
The three new categories of National Championship will see India’s best racers racing on the CBR 150R. Honda’s arsenal in theSuper Sport Indian 165 (modified) will be led by Asia Road Racing Championship participant Sarath Kumar (podium winner in Round 1) and Madan Kumar. The Pro-Stock 165 (Open) will witness 4 CBR 150R’s on the grid with Asia Dream Cup winners Hari Krishnan (First position in Round 1) and Sethu Rajiv (2nd podium in Round 1) leading the battle. The Stock 165 (Novice)too will have 7 racers including Antony Peter (1st and 2nd podium in Round 1) and Shreyas Shankar (3rdpodium in Round 1) competing on Honda CBR 150R’s.
Honda’s flagship CBR 250R Team Championship will see intense competition between 11 racers from 5 teams (Coimbatore Racing Academy, Ten 10 Racing, Prolap Racing, Rock Star Racing and Apex Racing Academy). The grid will boast of India’s top notch racing talent including Asia Dream Cup double podium winner Hari Krishnan, Sethu Rajiv among others.
Giving a fillip to new talent as young as 18 years of age is the CBR 150R Novice championship; which has received a total of 20 entries from Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Odisha, West Bengal, Jharkhand, Kerala with 9 entries from Tamil Nadu itself.
The Second round of the very successful Honda All Ladies race will see 8 female racers including Pooja Dabhi from Pune and Soundari A and Ryhana Bee from Chennai competing for podium. To promote the participation of women riders, Honda had conducted the first-ever All Women Race during the Round 5 of 2015 season. This year the exclusive All Ladies Race has been made into a 5 round support race wherein all woman riders have been trained at the Honda Ten10 Racing Academy.
Speaking ahead of the second round of the current season, Mr Prabhu Nagaraj, Vice-President, Customer Service, HMSI said: “Motor sports has been always an integral part of Honda’s DNA and it is the harbinger of motor racing in India. There is a lot of passion among young racers in India. The Honda One Make Race aims at providing these aspiring riders a platform to hone their skills, thus providing an opportunity to realise their potential and take it to the global racing arena. Honda is committed to the development of motor racing in India and has taken an initiative to encourage participation of women riders by introducing the first full-season of Honda Exclusive Women Race.”
For the 2016 season, Honda has introduced new race-prepped racing versions of CBR 250R and CBR 150R. Developed with technical know-how provided by Honda’s Indian R&D team, both motorcycles are set to scorch the Madras Motor Race Track beginning this weekend. The new racing version of the CBR 250R got an upgraded Honda racing kit, including wiring harness with remapping option, advanced racing body cowl kit and equipped with endurance exhaust. The new CBR 150R gets a reprogrammed ECU.
The progress made by Swaraj Abhiyan!
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कोटला मुबारकपुर की जनसुनवाई मे दिल्ली सरकार के खिलाफ लोगों में दिखा जबरदस्त रोष। मुहीम को आंदोलन का रूप देने की हुई मांग।
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Swaraj Abhiyan to continue even after formation of political party.
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Prof Rakesh Sinha addressing on the what went in to drafting Political Resolution of Swaraj Abhiyan.
Inputs and Suggestions Evolved from Group Discussion On Political Resolution.
Swaraj Abhiyan Swaraj Sankalp Constitution Club New Delhi 2016.
Constitution Club Swaraj Sankalp.
The 25 Groups that participated in Discussion reported back with suggestions and inputs to be considered for incorporation in the presented Political Resolution . Specific time was given to them to express their views and table inputs . Yogendra Yadav moderated and conducted the whole process. Very interactive and fruitful exercise.
read full on http://www.swarajabhiyan.org A new beginning is necessary in South Asia and the world. The UNDP (United Nations Development Program) has published a 19 point document specifying SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals). But the Indian government is turning a blind eye to it under the pressure of corporate forces. The shadow of terrorism is spreading across every nation. America and China, in their perceived national interest are turning a blind eye to the needs of the rest of the world, particularly energy, employment, protection of natural resources and advancement of national dignity. It is worrisome that India has no clear direction concerning the adverse economic and political effects of globalization seen from Afghanistan and Iraq and Syria to Brazil. The Sri Lankan government is continuing with its policy of discrimination against its Tamil speaking citizens of Indian Origin. We too appear to have a neglectful attitude against Tamil refugees from Sri Lanka who have taken asylum within India. Similarly, the Madheshi issue has widened the rift in relations between our country and Nepal. Increasing terrorism in Bangladesh is making ordinary citizens and particularly progressive and reformist individual’s lives increasingly dangerous. The effort of putting India in category of superpower is also making its situation vulnerable. Modi alongwith publicity has toured foreign countries, has promoted all the ritualistic honours but in all has gained nothing for the country rather has put the interests of the country at stake. While exposing the markets of the country to the world, this government has given exemptions to multinational seed companies, to allow environmentally advanced countries from taking responsibilities, giving US profit in nuclear energy and defense sector and to infuse new breath, interests of country have been sacrificed entirely. In all, with Modi in lead, BJP government’s political hollowness has been exposed and public is disenchanted. It has expressed this several times and when opportunity arises will keep expressing in future as well. Problem in front of public is to find alternative. It has already rejected the corrupt and uprooted politics of Congress. Congress’ political ground actually was based on the values of freedom movement. As Congress left those values behind, its politics kept getting weaker. Today Congress has come far from its base and it seems impossible that it will find that base again. BJP’s sanghi based politics has been communal nationalism and after long hard work it has prepared some ground whose agenda has been social hatred. In field of economy, it has started to implement Manmohan Singh’s policies and programmes with more aggression. In reality, Congress and BJP have no political base for their similar financial agendas. That is why BJP feels that to implement this financial agenda, it is important to expand the political base of social sector. This strategy has limited possibility, which cannot move either itself or take the country forward. The void created by Congress at state level has been filled by regional parties according to their social base and by BJP at Centre. The possibilities and limits of these regional parties have also now been exposed. None of these parties are capable of filling the void that is fast appearing in the Centre. The attempt to fill the void in the Centre through coalition of these regional parties will be restricted at the question of leadership. In order to find alternative to BJP and Congress in Centre, a new kind of politics based on coalition needs to be forged in whose core will be new agriculture and new economy. In this system, production like in agricultural sector and service based units will be spread in villages uniting the three sectors of economy linking villages and cities. This economy will work for common man rather than for profit of crony corporates or multi nationals. This kind of system can only be created when the control of power is in hands of general public and it will not have to grovel for its needs in front of representatives that they themselves elected or bureaucrats who were chosen to work for them. That is why a decentralised administrative and political system based on swaraj is as much required. This is politics is possible by way of alternative culture. Having come to power on the claims of alternative politics, in a Centre ruled State, Aam Aadmi Party rejected all the values and has been now trapped in hollow individualism like other parties. So that this does not happen again, it is imperative that before active interference in electoral politics decentralised management of organisation structure be prepared and then surge ahead keeping to its core, issues of public, agriculture, farmer, economy, education for all, health services for all, peace in society and eradication of corruption towards a strong political interference. This is true nationalism, this is true Swaraj.
Aim of nationalism is to strengthen the country by national unity and protecting the interests of the public. It is a matter of utter surprise that the Sangh Organisation that lays claim to nationalism uses every issue including nationalism, unity and defense to communalise and further polarise the society openly to weaken the country. To win elections where on one hand in Jharkhand issue of tribal/non-tribal was used to polarise the state on the other hand in Jammu and Kashmir there was polarisation between two main areas. In tribal dominated areas, tribals are hindrance in the game of looting of mineral wealth done in collusion of naxals-corporates-government. Where on one hand common tribals are target of Naxal violence, on the other hand they are being suppressed by government and police. Since past several days incidents of violence and suppression of tribals are on the rise, so is the capacity of Naxal violence. Government suppression continues especially in Chhattisgarh. In Jammu and Kashmir, the communalism hidden in regional polarization and its entire history is blowing up as public outrage. This kind of politics has brought an ordinary Kashmiri face to face with country’s army that had been deployed there with the intention of protecting Kashmiris from terrorists. This situation can be dangerous for the entire country but government and sangh both, are entirely careless towards this situation. With their minds hardened against discussion or negotiation, the chosen path of the Kashmir government is one drenched in the blood of innocent citizens. This strengthens the case for terrorism and separatism. Swaraj Abhiyan demands that the government should apologize to all affected citizens and pay those suitable damages and compensation. Along with this, a comprehensive program for education and employment for the youth of Kashmir, economic justice for farmers and laborers, and respect for the rights of political workers and media personnel are absolute necessities. We believe that this drought of political will and foresight is worsening the crisis in Kashmir. However, it is definitely possible for Kashmir to move ahead along with the rest of the nation while remaining within the bounds of the Indian Constitution and National unity as has been the case with the North East, Telangana and Punjab. We resolve to join with other democratic forces in Kashmir to take these ideas forward. The same applies on North-East where Modi government is not able to decide on its policies properly and is shooting in dark. Agreement taken place with Nagas seems doubtful. Naga Organisations explaining about Agreement that is in their understanding (in which some areas of Manipur are included), is entirely different from what Central government without fully disclosing about the Agreement is trying to explain to the entire nation. It is difficult to tell the effect of this Agreement on Manipur. The people of Manipur have vitriolic angst against the presence of army and AFSPA. It is important that there is repudiation of it in Kashmir and Manipur. The recent news that Anshankari Irom Sharmila, who has become a symbol of non-violent citizen activism has now decided to participate in organized and electoral politics is excellent news for Swaraj Abhiyan which is dedicated to the creation of alternative politics. This will make the need for alternative politics clear to all those individuals and organizations actively working to replace an unjust system with one which is just. Seeing the all-round failure and disrepute of Modi government that had come to power with pomp and show, the Prime Minister has taken the command of all Ministries under himself. All decisions are being taken in Prime Minister’s Office and rest of the Ministries are functioning like Post Officers. This extreme centralisation of power is taking the government further away from public, their problems as well as the solutions. Alongwith the atmosphere against this government and its affiliated organisations another attempt by Sangh in taking over all educational institutions is coming to fore. Sanghi ideology does not accept any kind of difference of opinion, open debate or the development of knowledge based on independent thinking. In educational institutions the gross intrusion of Sangh is taking place by way of appointing unqualified persons of no academic credentials in the highest posts. pl read full in Hindi and English onhttp://www.swarajabhiyan.org
Political Resolution. Political Resolution Indian politics – on which the country is dependent for its leadership, is aimlessly wandering in enclosed maze of blind alleys and the country is unable to find it’s way to its future. The Manmohan Singh government stigmatized by severe corruption and failure in economic sector was entirely rejected by the public. Modi Government that grabbed power by way of hype created through multi crore publicity stunts; in less than half the term of its five years of governance has proven to be a failure in all government sectors. The country has awakened to reality from dreams that were woven by way of rhetoric pomposity and no one has any hope or expectation from Modi Government in rest of their tenure. As such Modi government has been a failure in all sectors but most painful situation for public has been the condition of economy. As seen through official statistics, common man is being drummed by inflation that can be seen in soaring prices of food articles like wheat, rice, sugar, pulses, vegetables etc and this inflation has gone out of control. No policy by the government is affecting this inflation. On the other hand, farmers are forced to sell their produce at throwaway prices, which is increasing their losses. This government is running the whole system just for huge profit. The government has already shown its intention towards agriculture and farmers through its Land Acquisition Bill designed at grabbing land, thought due to heavy resistance, the government had to take back the proposal. But, its stand is still the same as far as farmers are concerned. For past two years in large part of the country and in some areas for past two to three years, due to persistent drought conditions, situation has largely deteriorated. Where it was limit to see people forced to eat chapatis made of grass due to lack of food grains, mass malnutrition was to seen everywhere along with dying animals due to lack of grains and water. Governments, whether of Centre or State, ignorant of this macabre tragedy were seen trying to nonchalantly cover the situation. Supreme Court’s Orders on Swaraj Abhiyan’s PIL, which was related to providing nutritious food in schools, food grains at reasonable price, MNREGA and its compensation and regarding tax recovery from farmers have not been allowed to move further than paperwork. full text on swarajahiyan.org web official site.
Yogendra Yadav conducted the proceedings all the elected committees members from 114 districts of India took part in the process.
About 40 Groups were made from the present over 700 elected committee members from 114 Districts of India. Political Resolution was put to discussion inviting suggestions and inputs. The groups were headed by the newly Elected NWC members.
Elected representatives of Swaraj Abhiyan participated in national convention Swaraj Sankalp at Constitution Club New Delhi on 30th of July 2016. On the same day a closed ballot polling was held to take call on taking the logic new step of opening up Political Arm of Swaraj Abhiyan with new Identity. Swaraj Abhiyan remains and plays the role of Parent Organization and will continue to do all that is expected from it. A new political party will be reality after due process followed and declared by Oct 2nd 2016. The path towards formation of new political party reaches to its logical point where it will be a reality. Political Resolution was released and was put to debate and discussion in groups that invited valuable inputs and points that were incorporated in to the political resolution.
Today’s condition of the country at least in my life time. Such a serious challenge has not been posed to the nation on Social, Economic, and Environmental issues.
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A-189, Sec-43, Noida UP

Magnitude | 7.6 |
Date-Time |
Location | 22.489S 173.095E |
Depth | 16 km |
Distances |
Location Uncertainty | Horizontal: 7.4 km; Vertical 4.1 km |
India go down to the Netherlands 1-2 in Men’s hockey

India go down to the Netherlands 1-2 in Men’s hockey
~ VR Raghunath scored India’s equaliser in the 38th minute ~
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 11 August 2016: If there were any doubts about the excitement of modern hockey, and its place in the future of Olympics, those were put to rest today in a pulsating game between India and The Netherlands today. A close game, that went down to, quite literally the final millisecond of the final quarter, India eventually losing to the Dutch 1-2.
This was always going to be a bruising encounter, and in the first quarter, after an initial boisterous start by the Netherlands, the two teams settled into a slow burn midfield battle at the Olympics Hockey Centre in Deodoro.
India were thorough and showed some real muscle and craft in periods of both quarters, just as it seemed the Dutch were going to run away and this a game of all attack against a resolute defence. It took till the 20th minute of the game though for the first real opportunity to present itself. A cross from the right found Valentin Verga in front of goal and room to spare. Sreejesh though was quickly off the line to block the shot and effect the save, a high-class moment of skill from both sides.
Perhaps the best indication of how evenly matched and tactically sound the game was could be gauged by the statistic that both teams didn’t have a single PC as they went into half time.
For all their early zipping, the Dutch’s frustration would’ve been magnified by that statistic and they soon made amends, storming out of the restart with the first PC of the game. Mink Van Der Meerden was denied by Sreejesh, a strong left hand dropping the ball into no man’s zone, from where Rogier Hoffman struck to give them the lead in the 32nd minute.
For India, a point would have sealed qualification, and the goal galvanised them into action. Five minutes after conceding, V Raghunath and Sardar Singh combined at the edge of the circle to win India their first PC of the game. Rupinder Pal Singh’s drag flick was padded away by Jacob Stockmann, but the rising ball was penalised with another. Off the second, India went to the man who won them the first, and Raghunath stormed his flick to Stockmann’s left to draw India level in the 38th minute.
India defended deep in the closing stages of the third quarter, and disciplinary issues led to SV Sunil and Raghunath earning a yellow card each, leaving India down to nine men. The two cards meant, Raghunath would serve out the majority of the final quarter on the bench.
The Dutch would take full advantage of being a man up in the final quarter and storm through with a series of penalty corners. Sreejesh stood strong, saving three in a row, before Van Der Meerden scored to give them the lead with six minutes of the game left.
Raghunath’s re-entry in the field would be with the yellow jersey as India played out the final three minutes without a goalkeeper, pressing high trying to force an equaliser and a guaranteed spot in the next round.
They would win their third PC in the 58th minute, Stockmann saving the effort. India kept pressing though, and had another with 6 seconds on the clock. The timer ticked out, but illegal block after illegal block, would mean India would win six consecutive penalty corners.
The first three would be played out amidst high anticipation for an equaliser. A Dutch body met each flick and soon both teams were trading video referrals, India successful, the Dutch not. The crowd soon jumped in to add to the occasion. Reminders of Raipur were in full effect, India looking to extract revenge for the equaliser that took them to a shootout. But in the end it was not to be, in a cruel anti-climax, a Dutch save on the goal line, denying India an equaliser and giving the Dutch the win.
For India though, it will be a great step forward. From being under pressure in the final moments of matches, they had been the aggressors, and the lack of a goal notwithstanding, this was a performance to inspire them for the future.
India next play Canada in their last Pool B fixture on August 12, 2016 at 9 PM IST. The match will be broadcasted live on Star Sports, Star Sports HD and Doordarshan.
Pool B points table (updated until 8:00 PM, August 11, 2016)

Pool A points table (updated until 8:00 PM, August 11, 2016)

Election Expenses of MLAs from the Kerala Assembly 2016
Dear friends,
According to Section 78 of the Representation of the People Act, 1951, every contesting candidate has to lodge a true copy of his election expenses within 30 days from the date of declaration of result of election, with the District Election Officer in all States and Union Territories.
Kerala Election Watch and Association for Democratic Reforms (ADR) have analyzed the election expenditure statements submitted after the Kerala 2016 Assembly for 137 out of 140 MLAs. The expenditure limit for the candidates during the Kerala Assembly elections was Rs. 28 lakhs. These election expense documents include details of expenses on public meeting and processions, campaigning through electronic and print media, expense on campaign workers, expense on vehicles used and expense on campaign materials.
Summary and Highlights of Election Expenses of MLAs from the Kerala Assembly 2016 Elections
1. Average Election Expenses: Based on the election expense declarations of 137 MLAs from Kerala Assembly, the average amount of money spent by them in the elections is only about Rs 19.64 lakhs, which is 70% of the expense limit.
2. Party-wise Average Election Expenses: The party wise average election expenses shows that the average spending for 55 MLAsfrom CPI(M) is Rs 19.02 lakhs (68% of theexpense limit), for 22 MLAs from INC is Rs 19.26 lakhs (69% of the expense limit), for 19 MLAs from CPI is Rs 20.19 Lakhs (72% of the expense limit), for 18 MLAs from IUML is Rs 20.27 Lakhs (72% of the expense limit), and for 6 MLAs from Kerala Congress (M) is Rs 20.09 Lakhs (72% of the expense limit).
3. Top 3 MLAs with highest Election Expenses: The maximum expense of about Rs 27.82lakhs (99% of the expense limit) has been declared by G. Sudhakaran of CPI(M) fromAmbalapuzha constituency followed by Ramesh Chennithala of INC fromHaripadconstituency with an expense of Rs 27.77 lakhs (or 99% of the expense limit) and K Muraleedharan of INC from Vattiyoorkavuconstituency with an expense of Rs27.73 lakhs (or 99% of the expense limit).
4. MLAs with lowest Election Expenses: Vijaydas of CPI(M) from Kongad constituencyhas declared election expenditure of Rs. 7.85 lakhs followed by Anoop Jacob of kerala Congress (Jacob) from Piravom Constituency with election expenses of Rs. 10.25 lakhsand Achuthanandan of CPI(M) from Malampuzha Constituency with election expenses of Rs. 11.13 lakhs.
5. Expense on Campaign Workers: 34 (25%) MLAs have declared that they have not spent ANY amount on campaign workers.
6. Percentage Breakdown of Funds Received by MLAs:
Summary and Highlights of Funds raised by MLAs in the Kerala Assembly, 2016
1. Percentage break-down of funds received by MLAs: Out of the total funds received by MLAs, 42% funds were raised from political parties, 14% were raised by MLAsthemselves and 44% funds were raised from other sources.
2. Average funds raised from Political Parties (Party-wise): On an average an MLA from CPI(M) raised 43 % of his/her election expense funds from the political party. Similarly, an MLA from INC raised 49% of his/her election expense funds, an CPI MLA raised 50 % , an IUML MLA raised 46 % and a Kerala Congress (M) MLA raised 8 % of their election expense funds from the political party.
Summary and Highlights of Election Expenses of Ministers from the Kerala Assembly, 2016
1. Average Election Expenses: Based on the election expense declarations of 17 analysed Ministers from Kerala Assembly 2016, theaverage amount of money spent by them in the elections is only about Rs 19.61 lakhs, which is 70% of the expense limit.
2. Top 3 Ministers with highest Election Expenses: The maximum expense of about Rs27.82 Lakhs (99% of the expense limit) has been declared by G.Sudhakaran of CPI(M)from Ambalapuzha constituency followed by Thilothaman of CPI from Cherthalaconstituency with an expense of Rs 27.67 lakhs (or 99% of the expense limit) andKadakampally Surendran of CPI(M) from Kazhakkottam constituencywith an expense ofRs 24.46 Lakhs (or 87% of the expense limit)
3. Ministers with lowest Election Expenses: T P Ramakrishnan of CPI(M) from Perambra Constituency has declared an election expenditure of Rs. 11.63 lakhs (42% of the expense limit). He is followed by C Raveendranathan of CPI(M) from Puthukkadconstituency who has declared election expenditure of Rs. 13.32 lakhs (48% of the expense limit), and E. Chandrashekaran of CPI from Kanhangad Constituency with election expenses of Rs. 15.07 lakhs (54% of the expense limit).
4. Percentage Breakdown of Funds Received by Ministers:
1. Each candidate is required to file his election expenditure statement within 30 days of the results of the elections, the deadline in case of the Kerala Assembly Elections being the 18th of June, 2016. However, it was observed that the election expenditure statements of the candidates were not uploaded on the CEO website till significantly after the deadline. it is therefore recommended that the Abstract Expenditure Statement (Annexure 15) of the candidates is uploaded on the website of the CEO within 72 hours of the receipt of the statement.
2. The deadline for filing an election petition against any candidate is 45 days after the declaration of the results. Generally, candidates submit their election expenditure statements towards the end of the 30 days given for submission of the statements. This leaves 15 days for any common citizen to file an election petition against any candidate. The deadline for filing an election petition should be increased in order to give the citizens time to scrutinize the election expenditure statements of the candidates and gather the relevant documents/proof etc for the election petition.
3. As has been instated in the filing of affidavits during the elections, the candidates should not be allowed to keep any field blank on the Abstract Election Expenditure statement (Annexure 15) and Schedule 1 to 9. The statements must be filled in a legible format and overwriting of amounts in the statement should be discouraged.
For complete information on funds collected and expenditure incurred by MLAs and Ministers of the current Kerala Assembly, kindly refer to the attached report.
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Indian women’s team lose 0-3 to USA in penultimate Pool B hockey encounter
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 11 August 2016: India lost to the USA 0-3 in their penultimate group game at the Olympic Women’s hockey tournament on Thursday.
In a tepid first quarter, USA and India played out a slug fest in the midfield, both reliant on long balls for circle penetrations into the others territory. USA took the lead in the 14th minute, with virtually the first real opportunity of the match via Kathleen Bam to take the lead.
India were the team who had the ball in the net first in the second quarter, Rani dribbling and twisting away brilliantly from multiple US defenders in the circle, before unleashing a reverse into the goal. The referee though deemed it unlawful and a closer inspection would show that the final touch had come off Preeti Dubey’s shoulder, an illegal deflection that denied them the equaliser.
The USA soon started exerting their influence on the game more effectively and had the first of two successive PCs of the game in the 20th minute, denied though by effective rushing from India’s defensive battery. Their third, would be blocked away by Namita Toppo on the goal line, a save that would take the teams into half time separated by the single goal.
USA came out stronger in the second half and had their fourth PC — the first of the second half — within the first minute. Katherine Reinprecht’s attempt though bounced off a USA stick, to land safely and out of bounds, leaving India with some breathing space and the opportunity to settle in the game.
The game eventually turned into a smart midfield battle and soon India’s use of the flanks came to the fore. Rani was influencing the game for the Eves, controlling possession and space on every Indian attack. The smart movement across both flanks would cause the US problems, but the circle penetrations would amount to nothing, as they successfully pushed away the attacks, denying India the conversions. They soon had their second goal, a solo effort, effectively a counter attack after the ball turned over at the edge of the US circle. Bam ran with the ball towards the Indian circle and cut back to shoot between Savita’s pads to double her tally for the game.
India attacked strongly in the final quarter and Vandana Katariya almost single-handedly fashioned a chance out of nothing, twisting away from her marker inside the circle before unleashing a reverse hit that went wide of the mark. At the other end, Savita pulled off a smart save to deny Bam a hat-trick.
A superbly worked counter gave the US their third goal in the 52nd minute, Melissa Gonzalez the scorer, after a sweeping one touch move from the right gave her an open shot at goal, with only Savita to beat. The US would take their PC count into double digits for the match, but, India, in a vast improvement from their previous game, would defend stoutly, to ensure there would be no goals from them. The USA took the win 3-0.
India play their last group encounter against Argentina at 6:30 PM IST on August 13, 2016. The match will be broadcast live on Star Sports, Star Sports HD and Doordarshan.
Photo Captions
The USA soon started exerting their influence on the game more effectively and had the first of two successive PCs of the game in the 20th minute, denied though by effective rushing from India’s defensive battery. Their third, would be blocked away by Namita Toppo on the goal line, a save that would take the teams into half time separated by the single goal.
USA came out stronger in the second half and had their fourth PC — the first of the second half — within the first minute. Katherine Reinprecht’s attempt though bounced off a USA stick, to land safely and out of bounds, leaving India with some breathing space and the opportunity to settle in the game.
The game eventually turned into a smart midfield battle and soon India’s use of the flanks came to the fore. Rani was influencing the game for the Eves, controlling possession and space on every Indian attack. The smart movement across both flanks would cause the US problems, but the circle penetrations would amount to nothing, as they successfully pushed away the attacks, denying India the conversions. They soon had their second goal, a solo effort, effectively a counter attack after the ball turned over at the edge of the US circle. Bam ran with the ball towards the Indian circle and cut back to shoot between Savita’s pads to double her tally for the game.
India attacked strongly in the final quarter and Vandana Katariya almost single-handedly fashioned a chance out of nothing, twisting away from her marker inside the circle before unleashing a reverse hit that went wide of the mark. At the other end, Savita pulled off a smart save to deny Bam a hat-trick.
A superbly worked counter gave the US their third goal in the 52nd minute, Melissa Gonzalez the scorer, after a sweeping one touch move from the right gave her an open shot at goal, with only Savita to beat. The US would take their PC count into double digits for the match, but, India, in a vast improvement from their previous game, would defend stoutly, to ensure there would be no goals from them. The USA took the win 3-0.
India play their last group encounter against Argentina at 6:30 PM IST on August 13, 2016. The match will be broadcast live on Star Sports, Star Sports HD and Doordarshan.
Photo Captions
2016-0811-W-USA_IND-097a2: Indian women’s team Captain Sushila Chanu controls the ball possession during the match against USA at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on August 11, 2016.
2016-0811-W-USA_IND-123a2: India’s Navjot Kaur tries to pass the ball during the match against USA at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on August 11, 2016.
2016-0811-W-USA_IND-015a2: Indian women’s team goalkeeper Savita in action during the match against USA at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on August 11, 2016.
Women’s Pool B Points table (updated as on August 12, 2016, 09:00 AM)
Women’s Pool A Points table (updated as on August 12, 2016, 09:00 AM)
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