Wednesday, December 31, 2014
From: media cell aap Tue, 30 Dec '14 6:43p
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
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Aam Aadmi Party chief spokesperson Yogendra Yadav issued the following statement on Tuesday, 30 December 2014 :
The AAP is opposed to the ordinance approved by the union cabinet on Monday to amend the Land Acquistion Act, 2013. The party has five major objections to this ordinance :
1) The amendment will nullify the hard earned gains of movements against forced acquisition and displacement. After a long struggle and negotiation, these movements had forced the government to agree to some basics:
* that the land acquisition must not take place without consent
* that land acquisition must not be permitted in multi-crop land where it goes against food security
* that acquisition must be preceded by an assessment of its impact not just on land owners but on the society as a whole
The government';s amendment would mean that now social Impact assessment, food security assessment & consent of 70% of land owners will not be required before acquiring land for five broad categories that the government has specified (more on these categories in point 2). Thus for all practical purposes, we are back to the draconian 1894 Act which peoples movements had fought to change.
* that the land acquisition must not take place without consent
* that land acquisition must not be permitted in multi-crop land where it goes against food security
* that acquisition must be preceded by an assessment of its impact not just on land owners but on the society as a whole
The government';s amendment would mean that now social Impact assessment, food security assessment & consent of 70% of land owners will not be required before acquiring land for five broad categories that the government has specified (more on these categories in point 2). Thus for all practical purposes, we are back to the draconian 1894 Act which peoples movements had fought to change.
2) The government proposes to exempt five categories of Acquisitions from the procedural requirements of the 2013 Act. These five categories are: defence, industrial corridors, rural infrastructure, affordable housing including housing for the poor and any infrastructure including social infrastructure in PPP mode where the land is owned by the government. Just look at these four categories and imagine what greedy builders, politicians and bureaucrats can do with these five categories. Basically they would be able to fit every acquisition under one of these five categories. so, in effect the Amendment annuls the Act itself.
3) The Ordinance violates the basic spirit of why ordinance is needed. Ordinance route has been provided for in order to meet an emergency situation in-between two sessions of parliament. What was the emergency in this case? The next session is in the third week of February. Why could the government not wait till then?
4) The Act of 2013 was passed with support from most political parties including the BJP. The parliamentary Committee that cleared the bill was headed by Ms. Sumitra Mahajan, the current speaker. What has changed since then?
5) The Act has not got a fair chance so far. Most states have not framed Rules necessary for its implementation. How come it has been found to be impractical without even a trial?
The simple truth is that the BJP has decided to favour big business and industry in the hope that the farmers will not understand or challenge its move. The onus now is on the farmers to prove this government wrong
भू-अर्जन कानून में ‘अध्यादेश’ से संशोधन किसान-मजदूर विरोधी !
राष्ट्रपति महोदय हस्ताक्षर नही करें !
संघर्ष तेज़ होगा !!
30 Dec 2014, नयी दिल्ली: संसद सत्र पूरा होने के तत्काल बाद तथा महाराष्ट्र से झारखण्ड के विधानसभा चुनावों के पश्चात नरेन्द्र मोदी जीकी भाजपा/एनडीए शासन ने ‘अध्यादेश’ लाकर जो कानून बदलने की जल्दबाजी की है, वह संवैधानिक दायरे में नहीं है | जो कानून संसदीय समिति(ग्रामीण विकास ) की ओर से सर्वदलीय सहमती से बने मसौदे के आधार पर बने तथा संसद के दोनों सदनों से पारित ‘भू-अर्जन में पारदर्शिता एवं सहीपुनर्वास’ कानून, २०१३ में इस प्रकार से बुनियादी संशोधन, जनतंत्र के खिलाफ तथा अनैतिक है |
कानून में जो संशोधन होने जा रहा है, वह ‘किसानों के पक्ष में है’, ‘धारा 105 के तहत मजबूरी से करना पड़ा है’ तथा ‘इससे विस्थापितों के हित कोकोई बाधा नहीं पहुँचेगी’ ये सरासर झूठ दावे करते हुए, वित्तमंत्री अरुण जेटली ने अध्यादेश को मंत्री परिषद् की मंज़ूरी घोषित की, बजाये ग्रामीणविकास मंत्री के | पहले से सुषमा स्वराज और केन्द्रीय ग्रामीण विकास मंत्री चौधरी बिरेन्द्र सिंह तो अपने वक्तव्य में संशोधन की संभावना बताते रहे,लेकिन अब ‘अध्यादेश’ राष्ट्रपति महोदय को भेजने की तैयारी कर रहे हैं | यह धोका-धड़ी मोदी सरकार के अन्य मुद्दों के जैसे ही है |
धारा 105 के तहत एक साल में यानी दिसंबर 2015 तक कानून में संशोधन संभावित है लेकिन जो प्रावधान मूलत: कानून में है, उन्हें हटाने के लिएइस धारा किसी भी तरह से मजबूर नहीं करती है | तीन कानून जो इसके दायरे में रहे हैं, उनके अलावा 13 कानून (मेट्रो, रेल, हाईवे इत्यादि ) शामिलकरने के लिए भी जल्दबाजी का यह कारण गलत है नयी सरकार ने जिन धाराओं में बदलाव लाना चाहा है, वह सभी किसानो-मजदूरों-विस्थापितों केपक्ष की धाराएं है | ब्रिटिशों से चलता आया 1894 का कानून जनवादी ना होने से , उसे खारिज करके इस नए कानून को सभी दल शामिल हुए, इसमेंसंशोधन के मुद्दों को ‘अद्योघिकरण’ और ‘खेतिहरों के हितों में तालमेल बननें की निर्णय बताना भी है |
निजी तथा शासकीय + निजी (PPP) परियोजनाओं के लिए भू-अर्जन की पूर्व शर्त, 80% और 70% प्रभावित किसानों की मंज़ूरी है | इसे 5 वर्ग कीपरियोजनाओं के लिए अब लागू नहीं करेगी मोदी सरकार !
पर्यावरणीय असर का अध्ययन और जन-सुनवाई के साथ 2013 के कानून से सामाजिक असर का अध्ययन’ (SIA) भी करना होगा | इसे 5 वर्गों केविशेष प्रोजेक्ट के लिए गैर लागू काफ्रने का निर्णय ‘अध्यादेश’ में होगा |
इन 5 वर्गों की परियोजनाओं में पर्यटन, मैन्युफैक्चरिंग, खदाने, आदि के साथ इंडस्ट्रियल कॉरिडोर भी शामिल है | गरीबों के लिए गृहनिर्माण जैसीयोजनाओं को सहूलियत यानी बिल्डरों के लिए ही मंज़ूरी की शर्त से छुट्टी | इन तमाम परियोजनाओं से कहीं हज़ारों तो कहीं लाखों का विस्थापन औरभूमि अधिग्रहण है | इन्हें कानून के पप्रमुख प्रावधानों से छुटकारा मतलब कानून को ही नाकाम करना |
आज तक ‘अध्यादेश’ का मसौदा ‘’पारदर्शिता’’ का दावा करने वाली सरकार ने ज़ाहिर नहीं किया है लेकिन चर्चा से लगता है कि
i) बहुफसली खेती की भूमी को बंजर ज़मीन उपलब्ध न होने की स्थिति में ही केवल, आखिरी विकल्प के रूप में मानना,
ii) अर्जेंसी की धारा केवल रक्षा मंत्रालय की तथा प्राकृतिक आपदा संबंदी योजनाओं के लिए ही लागू करना, जैसी धाराओं में भी संशोधन लाया जाने कीसंभावना है | खेतिहरों के पक्ष में या उद्योगपति और किसान दोनों के हित में बताते वक़्त केंद्र शासन ने केवल एक ही नया प्रावधान का ज़िक्र किया हैजो की 13 कानूनों को भी 2013 के कानूनों के दायरे में लाना | लेकिन उन कानूनों के तहत आनेवाले कार्य अगर ‘इंफ्रास्ट्रक्चर’ या 5 में से किसी भीवर्ग में शामिल होने से, उन्हें सहूलियत दी जाए तो केवल पुनर्वास के नए प्रावधान उन्हें लागू होंगे | यह बहुत बड़ी बात नहीं है, क्योंकि पुनर्वास केप्रावधान भी कमज़ोर है ही |
जहाँ तक पुनर्वास का सवाल है, अन्य कई परियोजनाओं के लिए नए अध्यादेश के अनुसार पुनर्वास के नाम पर नगद मुआवजा बढाने की बात हैलेकिन राज्य शासन के निर्णय पर निर्भर रखा है; ; केवल सिंचाई परियोजनाओं में ‘संभव हो तो ‘दलित-आदिवासी परिवारों को ढाई एकड़ ज़मीन काप्रावधान है, और परिवार के एक व्यक्ति को न्यूनतम आय की नौकरी या 5 लाख या 20 सालों तक मासिक 2000 रु./- + भत्ते देना भी पर्याप्तबिलकुल नहीं है | इससे प्रभावित परिवार को वैकल्पिक आजीविका की गारंटी न होने से, इस कानून का लाभ विशेष नहीं मिलेगा, यह हकीकत है |ग्राम सभा, पंचायती राज के होते हुए भी ऊपर से थोपे गए विकास और असमर्थनीय भू- अधिग्रहण, विस्थापन आदि के कारण संघर्ष बढे है, जो फिरबढ़ेंगे, यह चित्र स्पष्ट है | उद्योगपति, पूँजी निवेशकों को कोई अवरोध नही चाहिए , इसलिए किसा मजदूर, शहरी गरीब, मछुआरे आदि तमामप्रकृति-निर्भर तबको की सम्पदा छीनने को विकास के नाम से बहुत बढ़ोतरी देने वाले इस अध्यादेश पर हंस्ताक्षर करने से, राष्ट्रपति और राज्यपालभी अपने अनुसूची पांच तथा संविधान की अन्य धाराओं के तहत प्राप्त कर्तव्यों से हट जायेंगे, यह निश्चित है |
मोदी सरकार इसे तत्काल वापस लेकर जनसंगठनों से बात करे और संसद के दोनों सदनों में इस पर बहस करें | भाजपा और मोदी जी के अलावा हरराजनितिक दल इस पर अपनी भूमिका ज़ाहिर करे यह यह भी जन आन्दोलनों की अपेक्षा है |
Medha Patkar, Yogini Khanolkar, Meera - Narmada Bachao Andolan and the National Alliance of People’s Movements (NAPM); Prafulla Samantara - Lok Shakti Abhiyan & Lingraj Azad – Niyamgiri Suraksha Samiti, NAPM, Odisha; Dr. Sunilam, Aradhna Bhargava - Kisan Sangharsh Samiti & Meera – Narmada Bachao Andolan, NAPM, MP; Suniti SR, Suhas Kolhekar, Prasad Bagwe - NAPM, Maharashtra; Gabriel Dietrich, Geetha Ramakrishnan – Unorganised Sector Workers Federation, NAPM, TN; C R Neelkandan – NAPM Kerala; P Chennaiah & Ramakrishnan Raju – NAPM Andhra Pradesh, Arundhati Dhuru, Richa Singh - NAPM, UP; Sister Celia - Domestic Workers Union & Rukmini V P, Garment Labour Union, NAPM, Karnataka; Vimal Bhai - Matu Jan sangathan & Jabar Singh, NAPM, Uttarakhand; Anand Mazgaonkar, Krishnakant - Paryavaran Suraksh Samiti, NAPM Gujarat; Kamayani Swami, Ashish Ranjan – Jan Jagran Shakti Sangathan & Mahendra Yadav – Kosi Navnirman Manch, NAPM Bihar; Faisal Khan, Khudai Khidmatgar, NAPM Haryana; Kailash Meena, NAPM Rajasthan; Amitava Mitra & Sujato Bhadra, NAPM West Bengal; B S Rawat – Jan Sangharsh Vahini & Rajendra Ravi, Madhuresh Kumar and Kanika Sharma– NAPM, Delhi
Venezuelan economy enters recession, inflation tops 63%
31 12 2014
The Venezuelan economy has entered recession,
after contracting for the third consecutive quarter. The Central Bank
announced that the economy had shrank by 2.3 per cent in the third
quarter of the year.
President Nicolas Maduro said the Venezuelan economy had been
affected by political instability and dropping oil prices in
international markets. He accused the United States of flooding the
markets with oil as part of an economic war against Russia.The central bank also said inflation had reached 63.6 per cent in the 12 months to November, one of the highest rates in the world. Mr Maduro announced a number of measures to boost economic growth and control inflation, including reforms to Venezuela’s currency control system.
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Categories : Business
#NutRage in the family:
31 12 2014Edit : Edit
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Categories : Uncategorized
MS Dhoni’s retirement from Tests
31 12 2014
Most of cricketers around the world has expressed surprise on the way MSD has resign, many called it an end of Dhoni cloud in BCCI.
Mahendra Singh Dhoni, abbreviated MSD, who scored big name in Indian cricket and is famous for his enforced decisions and opinions to many out of ethical context.His stellar confidence, iconic team mates at his disposal and his naive, cricketing batting limited technique helped him to take chances to win laurels for Team Dhoni.
Lately as team talent slipped so MSD fell into his own trap. A man responsible for injecting his own team members finally get from Harbhajan Singh, Yuvraj Singh, Mohammad Kaif the good wish to bring him luck ahead of his career.
Mahendra Singh Dhoni surprised cricketing world with his sudden announcement of retirement from Test cricket. Cricketers from across the world reacted with surprise and lavished praise on Dhoni’s decision to call it quit from the longer format. Teammates, friends and critics poured their hearts out on social media praising his decision.
Expressing views on Twitter, retired batting legend, Sachin Tendulkar, also a long-time teammate, congratulated him on his Test career and encouraged Dhoni to retain 2015 World Cup. In a Tweet former Indian Cricket team Test captain Anil Kumble boasted his test career and said well done to retire as a captain. will miss unique persona like M S Dhoni.
आज तक retweeted

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Categories : sports
Akhilesh Yadav : On a road trip from Safai to Lucknow,
31 12 2014
On a road trip from Safai to Lucknow, stopping and meeting lots of people as well as old party workers.
I am so thankful for the warmth that they are expressing. Enjoying khullar coffee with my daughter in Tirwa, Kannauj.
I am so thankful for the warmth that they are expressing. Enjoying khullar coffee with my daughter in Tirwa, Kannauj.
Fadnavis government trims security of top Cong, NCP politicians
31 12 2014
Fadnavis government trims security of top Cong, NCP politicians and their kin; including former chief minister Prithviraj Chavan

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Categories : Business, CSR, Legal, Media, Politics
31 12 2014Magnitude | 6.1 |
Date-Time |
Location | 8.602N 121.504E |
Depth | 37 km |
Distances |
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Categories : Education, Energy, Science
DMRC Airport Line Not Serving Airline Passengers No Amenities
31 12 2014
December30, 2014 (C) Ravinder Singh ravinderinvent@gmail.com
DMRC Airport line which cost over $1.4b at 2010 exchange rate is Worst
in Passenger Amenities. Airline Passengers carry many suitcases but
there is no Trolley for them. Due to following deficiencies even
Airline or Airport Staff don’t use Airport Line. Not more than 10
Airline Passengers per train use Airport Line.
But worst of all Domestic Terminal 1 which is supposed to carry BULK
of Domestic airline passengers – 95% is not Connected by Delhi Metro
Airport Line.
As given in the arrival schedule of an airline from Dubai which is
just 2h30m flying distance arrival and departure could vary as much as
2 hours – 8:41 hrs and 10:35 hrs so Airport Line Could have reduced
congestion at airport due relatives arriving hours ahead of Exit of
their foreign or NRI guests and Zip through passengers to Dhaula Kuan
in 10 minutes.
Stations on the route are Copy of the conventional stations in layout
– Airline Passengers with luggage have to undergo Shifting of Luggage
at Ground, Mid Level and Platform level at all stations.
Instead of 5-8 Lifts of 20 People or 2 Tone Capacity, two for each
coach there is probably only one on 1 tone capacity.
At Dhaula Kuan which is on Interstate Bus Terminal and gate way to
West Delhi & South Delhi – no Cab Service and Porters are available
and In fact there is no Unloading Platform for Cabs to Load & Unload
Luggage. Shivaji Stadium and New Delhi stations of Airport line are in
congested areas difficult to reach and Aero City station is basically
one end of airport itself suitable for Five Star Hotels around it
without connection to other public transport.
No Arrival & Departure Info is provided in Delhi Metro Airport Line or
There is gauge difference also – Airport line is Standard Gauge 1.435m
whereas rest of DMRC lines have Broad Gauge lines 1.676m – due to this
Deficiency Trains of Airport Lines can’t operate on rest of DMRC
sections. Changeover is required at Dwarka Sector 21 to access
Noida-Vaishali line.
More Blunders – REMEDIES
DMRC now wants to extend this Lame Duck Line to Huda City Center in
Gurgaon. ‘The line is to be extended beyond Dwarka Sector 21 to IFFCO
Chowk in Gurgaon. The 12 km extension will have a 1.5-kilometre-long
(0.93 mi) underground section, while the rest will be elevated.’
1. Convert Airport Line to Broad Gauge and Directly Connect with Blue
Line 2. Connect Airport Line to Domestic Airport which is just 1 or
1.5 km. 3. Extension to Huda Center to have more Stations. 4. Add more
stations to Airport Lines and Changeover to other Metro Line
Crossings, Two Existing & Two Upcoming Lines. 5. Charge normal Fare &
allow use of Smart Card.
Ravinder Singh, Inventor & Consultant, INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES AND PROJECTS
Y-77, Hauz Khas, New Delhi-110016, India. Ph; 091- 9718280435, 9650421857
DMRC Airport line which cost over $1.4b at 2010 exchange rate is Worst
in Passenger Amenities. Airline Passengers carry many suitcases but
there is no Trolley for them. Due to following deficiencies even
Airline or Airport Staff don’t use Airport Line. Not more than 10
Airline Passengers per train use Airport Line.
But worst of all Domestic Terminal 1 which is supposed to carry BULK
of Domestic airline passengers – 95% is not Connected by Delhi Metro
Airport Line.
As given in the arrival schedule of an airline from Dubai which is
just 2h30m flying distance arrival and departure could vary as much as
2 hours – 8:41 hrs and 10:35 hrs so Airport Line Could have reduced
congestion at airport due relatives arriving hours ahead of Exit of
their foreign or NRI guests and Zip through passengers to Dhaula Kuan
in 10 minutes.
Stations on the route are Copy of the conventional stations in layout
– Airline Passengers with luggage have to undergo Shifting of Luggage
at Ground, Mid Level and Platform level at all stations.
Instead of 5-8 Lifts of 20 People or 2 Tone Capacity, two for each
coach there is probably only one on 1 tone capacity.
At Dhaula Kuan which is on Interstate Bus Terminal and gate way to
West Delhi & South Delhi – no Cab Service and Porters are available
and In fact there is no Unloading Platform for Cabs to Load & Unload
Luggage. Shivaji Stadium and New Delhi stations of Airport line are in
congested areas difficult to reach and Aero City station is basically
one end of airport itself suitable for Five Star Hotels around it
without connection to other public transport.
No Arrival & Departure Info is provided in Delhi Metro Airport Line or
There is gauge difference also – Airport line is Standard Gauge 1.435m
whereas rest of DMRC lines have Broad Gauge lines 1.676m – due to this
Deficiency Trains of Airport Lines can’t operate on rest of DMRC
sections. Changeover is required at Dwarka Sector 21 to access
Noida-Vaishali line.
More Blunders – REMEDIES
DMRC now wants to extend this Lame Duck Line to Huda City Center in
Gurgaon. ‘The line is to be extended beyond Dwarka Sector 21 to IFFCO
Chowk in Gurgaon. The 12 km extension will have a 1.5-kilometre-long
(0.93 mi) underground section, while the rest will be elevated.’
1. Convert Airport Line to Broad Gauge and Directly Connect with Blue
Line 2. Connect Airport Line to Domestic Airport which is just 1 or
1.5 km. 3. Extension to Huda Center to have more Stations. 4. Add more
stations to Airport Lines and Changeover to other Metro Line
Crossings, Two Existing & Two Upcoming Lines. 5. Charge normal Fare &
allow use of Smart Card.
Ravinder Singh, Inventor & Consultant, INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES AND PROJECTS
Y-77, Hauz Khas, New Delhi-110016, India. Ph; 091- 9718280435, 9650421857
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