Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Suu Kyi ask Myanmar workers in Thailand to be back home

Myanmar’s pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi  met  migrant laborers in Thailand asked them to return home and help build the country as it moves towards democratization.Aung San Suu Kyi arrived in Bangkok on Tuesday on her first trip outside Myanmar in twenty four years. She will join leaders of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations at the World Economic Forum on East Asia, due to open on Thursday.
On Wednesday, she visited an area in the outskirts of Bangkok where many migrant workers from Myanmar are working at seafood factories and other facilities.More than 2 million people from Myanmar are said to be working in Thailand.Aung San Suu Kyi said she wanted to see the actual conditions of migrant workers outside Myanmar.She told enthusiastic supporters that she hopes to help the migrants to return home as soon as possible.Aung San Suu Kyi will deliver a speech at the World Economic Forum meeting on Friday.
Worldwatch Institute
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Contact: Supriya Kumar,, (+1) 202-452-1992, ext. 510
  China Leads Growth in Global Wind Power Capacity     
New Worldwatch Institute report discusses worldwide developments in wind power
Washington, D.C.----Global installed wind power capacity continued to grow in 2011, albeit at a slightly lower rate than in 2009 and 2010, according to new research conducted by the Worldwatch Institute ( for its Vital Signs Online service. The world now has approximately four times the installed wind capacity that it did in 2005, reflecting the combined effects of falling prices, improved technology, global investment, and various incentive programs. China led the way with a 43 percent share of global capacity additions in 2011, followed by the United States at 17 percent, India with almost 7 percent, and Germany at 5 percent, writes report author and Worldwatch's Climate and Energy Program Manager Mark Konold.
"China continues to lead the world in wind capacity additions, having increased its capacity a remarkable 40 percent since 2010," said Konold. "But a gap remains between this installed capacity and the amount of wind power that is actually available for use in the country. Because of grid connection challenges and other issues, China is struggling to use all of the electricity generated by its turbines."
Despite large increases in installed wind power capacity, several Chinese provinces, including Inner Mongolia and Gansu, have actually lost a significant portion of their generation capacity because of technical problems. Over the next five years, China plans to invest more than US$400 billion to make improvements to its electrical grid that will enable it to fully integrate its total installed wind capacity by 2015.
In 2011, the United States accounted for approximately 17 percent of global wind power capacity additions. Although the country generated 27 percent more electricity from wind in 2011 than in 2010, wind power still accounts for less than 3 percent of total U.S. power generation, according to the report. Konold credits much of the growth in U.S. wind power capacity to the federal Production Tax Credit (PTC), which helped to finance approximately 4,000 megawatts of new capacity by reducing corporate income tax by 2.2 cents for every kilowatt-hour produced. But if the PTC is not extended beyond its scheduled expiration date at the end of this year, he cautions, the industry could be negatively affected.
The report also discusses wind power developments in the European Union, where Germany regained its position as regional leader for installed capacity. Currently, wind accounts for almost 8 percent of the country's electricity consumption. Although Spain added only a third of total EU capacity since 2008, wind power accounts for almost 16 percent of the country's electricity consumption. Economic instability has had some negative impacts on European wind power, however, pushing future growth projections down and potentially hampering investment.
Worldwide, wind power prices fell to $1.2 million per megawatt in the first half of 2011, mainly because of improvements in supply chain efficiency and economies of scale. Competition from Chinese manufacturers and their excess capacity to build machines and flood the market also played a role. In addition, the capacity factor of wind turbines (the ratio of actual output to nameplate capacity) continues to rise as better technologies enter the market, further driving down turbine costs. Combined, these factors are expected to bring down the cost of wind energy 12 percent by 2016, making onshore wind cost competitive with coal, gas, and nuclear power.
"Global wind power growth looks very strong and is on a continued rise, largely because of China's incredible level of investment," said Konold. "Withhold that, and the picture looks more muddled. Developed economies are not reaching their fullest potential due to financial and policy uncertainty, and many developing economies are running into technical problems, despite slightly stronger growth in wind power capacity. Although continued growth in wind power won't be as strong as it could be, as the supply increases and prices fall, wind energy is quite likely to continue its upward trend."
Further highlights from the report:
  • Global installed wind power capacity grew 21 percent in 2011, lower than the 2010 rate of 24 percent and markedly lower than the 2009 rate of 31 percent.
  • Nearly $75 billion was invested in global wind energy installations in 2011, a 22 percent decrease from 2010.
  • Although the United States lags behind Europe and China in offshore wind power capacity, the U.S. Department of Energy plans to make available $180 million over the next six years to support up to four innovative wind farms off the coasts or in the Great Lakes. 

GolfStream Ladies Open at Kiev Golf Club, Ukraine.

Nalini Singh Siwach finishes T22nd at the Golf Stream Ladies Open in the LET Access Series

30 May 2012, New Delhi: India’s Nalini Singh Siwach managed an impressive T-22nd finish at the recently concluded € 20,000 GolfStream Ladies Open at the Kiev Golf Club, Ukraine. The tournament which is affiliated to the LET Access Series was played from the May 22nd-24th 2012 at the par-72 Kiev Golf Club, Ukraine.
Nalini who is currently ranked third in the Hero Women’s Professional Golf Tour 2011-12 was participating in the tournament for the very first time. Nalinicarded a total of 20 over 236 to be tied alongside to finish T-22nd along with Galina Rotmistrova from Russia, Belgian golfer Laurence Herman, Marianne Anderssonfrom Sweden and Katy Mcnicoll from Scotland.Nalini showed consistency in her game over the three rounds carding her best (78) in the final round, on a high scoring day. 
“It’s been a satisfactory outing for me, however there are areas that I need to work upon and I confident of putting up a better show in the upcoming tournaments”, said the Delhi based Nalini Singh Siwach.
“The course was tough and we really had to work hard; there was very little margin for error”, she further added.

May29, 2012
Mr. Per Bertilsson
Executive Director
Dear Mr. Per Bertilsson,
You will be horrified to discover ‘IWMI's Mission is to improve the management of land and water resources for food, livelihoods and the environment but I have not yet come across a single document that even marginally addresses the stated objectives of IWMI.
On the contrary it can be effortlessly proved they are bunch of scoundrels – Sabotaging Indian Economic Progress Instead.
1. This inventor finds it is very funny and also very stupid when River Linkers tell us there is flood in some regions and there is drought and the River Links shall transfer flood waters to drought regions.
2. Any farmer or hunter would tell you that it is easy to catch a sitting bull or shoot a sitting leopard but these Idiots would plan to diverted rivers in flood fury to drought regions across hundreds to thousands of kilometers jumping over scores of major and minor rivers. Cover of IWNI publication illustrates ‘Jumping of Rivers.’ (Color picture page 12),
3. More than 50% of India population lives in Ganga – Indus basin and blue River Links P-12 indicates ‘Water Transfer Schemes’ in regions that have 28 BCM, barely 5% live storage capacity of Ganga Basin Flows and most of it in peninsular region, but most river links originate in Himalaya Region. (Six Clippings of basin wise storages points to South India always have twice more water in its Storage Dams yet River Links are in South Indian direction.) (Page 13-18)
4. This is even more interesting – but definitely confirms SIWI 2012 winners are absolute idiots. In the Monsoon Report for 2011 though there are not much variations in rainfall across states on seasonal basis but on daily, weekly and monthly basis variation Swings are huge. In color chart for monsoon season 2011 the variations are not much but monthly swings are huge. For example Punjab received just -7% seasonal rainfall but for June2011 it was +123%, July2011 -53%, -5% for August and +25% for September. West UP figures +137, -10%, -21% and -35% respectively, similarly for other regions. (Page 19-20)
5.  Some of my latest Research fully exposes ‘IWMI Gross Incompetence’ are also Annexed here. ‘Lame Duck Hydro Power --’ and ‘Bundelkhand Poverty--’
Surely IWMI doesn’t deserve even a wooden prize.
Thank you,
Ravinder Singh,
Inventor & Consultant
Y-77, Hauz Khas, NewDelhi-110016, India.

Statement of Dr. Subramanian Swamy

      The IAC alias Team Anna has accused the Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh of corruption and want him to be prosecuted. But not one of the Team Anna has specified under which Section of the Prevention of Corruption Act is Dr. Singh prima facie guilty. Instead the glib accusation of Team Anna appears to be to benefit Ms Sonia Gandhi's conspiracy to foist her unqualified son in the PM's chair as well as to derail the legal steps to bring the corrupt to book which Action Committee Against Corruption in India under my chairmanship is undertaking.

          Team Anna has always been in the grip of Naxalite minded crazies. It is time Anna Hazare dump most of Team Anna and join with ACACI and Baba Ramdev for a nationalist approach to fighting corruption.

Abhishek Joshi
Follow me: abhjoshi@twitter

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Pak tests nuclear-capable short-range Hatf-IX missile

Pakistan on Tuesday successfully carried out a test of its quick reaction tactical nuclear- capable Hatf-IX missile with a range of 60 km, aimed at "deterring evolving threats at shorter range."

The military described the test of the "indigenously developed short range, surface-to-surface multi-tube missile Hatf-IX" or Nasr as successful.
A military statement said the missile can carry "nuclear warheads of appropriate yield with high accuracy and possesses shoot and scoot attributes".
"This quick response system addresses the need to deter evolving threats, specially at shorter ranges," it said.
It did not say where the test was conducted. The first test of the Hatf-IX was conducted in April last year.
At the time, experts and analysts said the short-range missile was primarily aimed at deterring India's Cold Start military doctrine, which envisages quick thrusts by small integrated battle groups in the event of hostilities.
Experts have said the Hatf-IX will be deployed with a mobile multi-barrel launch system that has "shoot and scoot attributes", or the ability to fire at a target and immediately relocate to another position to avoid enemy counter-fire.
Today's test was witnessed by Lt Gen (retired) Khalid Kidwai, the chief of the Strategic Plans Division, which is responsible for managing Pakistans nuclear arsenal.
Kidwai described the Hatf-IX as "a weapon of peace" and claimed the test "was a major development which will consolidate Pakistan's deterrence capability at all levels of the threat spectrum, thereby ensuring peace in the region".
The test was also witnessed by NESCOM Chairman Irfan Burney, Army Strategic Forces Command chief Lt Gen Tariq Nadeem Gilani, senior officers from the strategic forces and scientists and engineers of strategic organisations.
The test was "warmly appreciated" by the President, Prime Minister and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee, who congratulated the scientists and engineers.
Pakistan has conducted several missile tests in recent weeks. On April 25, it tested an improved version of the nuclear-capable Hatf-IV with a range of 1,000 km while the nuclear-capable Hatf-III, with a range of 290 km, was tested on May 10.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Dear Sir/ Madam,
Workshop on
Amendments To Regulatory Framework
Tuesday, 12 June 2012; 0930 hrs; Jacaranda Hall Part 1, India Habitat Center , New Delhi

Confederation of Indian Industry is organising a Workshop on Amendments to Regulatory Framework for its members on Tuesday, 12 June 2012 from 0930 hrs to 1400 hrs at Jacaranda Hall Part 1, India Habitat Center , Lodi Road , New Delhi .
The one day workshop will focus on diverse topics of regulation in India and its impact on businesses.
The Programme Structure is as follows :
0930 hrs
1000 hrs
Inaugural Session
1030 hrs
Session I : Direct Tax amendments to the Finance Bill 2012
1130 hrs
Session II : Implications on PE investments in India
1230 hrs
Session III : The Changing face of Company Law and its Impact on Corporate Governance
1300 hrs
Session IV : Changing landscape of the Indian Transfer Pricing Regime
1330 hrs
Lunch/ Close
We have invited Mr D M Spolia, Principal Secretary(Finance), Govt of NCT of Delhi for the Inaugural Session.
I am writing to request you to block your diary for the date 12 June 2012. You may also consider nominating colleague(s) to attend.
We request you to kindly send in your confirmation through the enclosed Reply Form.
Look forward to hearing from you.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

China’s tourist rules for Tibet ever-changing, now more difficult

TibetanReview: China is reported to have made it more difficult for tourists to visit Tibet Autonomous Region, the western half of ethnographic Tibet. “National Tourism Administration of China and the Tibet Tourism Bureau have changed requirements to obtain a Tibet Travel Permit, causing disruption for many tour operators and travellers,” reported May 24.

It said permits were now being only issued for groups with a minimum of five travellers of the same nationality.

The report cited the tour group Peregrine as saying some operators had cancelled all tours to Tibet and that travellers were being stranded without land arrangements.

Referring to the difficulty of managing tours to Tibet, the report quoted Peregrine Destination Manager Ken Ismail as saying: “Tibetan Permits are complex and ever changing at the best of times. The new requirements have proven more difficult to facilitate Tibetan permits for groups; however travel is absolutely still possible and we are still taking many travellers over the next few months and well into next year.

“Of course, the situation could change at any time, but this is the situation at present. With a little flexibility in their travel date or itinerary, I am confident that we can continue to help our travellers to experience the beauty of mystical Tibet.”
Syria rebels want air strikes on regime forces

The rebel Free Syrian Army called on Saturday for the Friends of Syria to carry out air strikes on the forces of President Bashar al-Assad after more than 90 people, including 25 children, were reportedly "massacred" in the town of Houla.

Turkey-based General Mustafa Ahmed al-Sheikh, head of the FSA's military council, called on the international community to take "an appropriate stance after the heinous crime committed by Assad's assassin regime in the Houla region."
"We are calling urgently on the Friends of Syria to create a military alliance, outside of the UN Security Council, to carry out targeted strikes against Assad's gangs and the symbols of his regime," Sheikh said.
This is not the first time the opposition has called on the Friends of Syria to intervene the 14-month-old conflict. On April 19, General Sheikh urged "the formation of a military alliance of countries friendly to the Syrian people, without UN Security Council approval, to carry out surgical strikes on key installations of the regime."
The United States, France, Britain, Germany, and Arab nations Saudi Arabia and Qatar are leading members of the Friends, which has held several meetings calling for tougher action against the Assad regime.
Describing Assad's regime as "one of the main causes of instability in the region and the world," Sheikh he also called on rebel fighters in Syria to carry out "targeted military strikes" against the forces of the regime.
And he called on Syrians, especially in Damascus and the northern city of Aleppo, to "demonstrate continuously."
Yesterday, government forces shelled Houla, in central Homs province.
The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said more than 90 civilians were killed, while the opposition Syrian National Council put the figure at more than 110.
The SNC called on the FSA yesterday night to "prevent the regime and its armed militias from reaching residential areas by cutting off roads by any means necessary."
More than 12,600 people have been killed in Syria since a revolt against Assad's rule broke out in March 2011, including nearly 1,500 since a UN-backed truce took effect on April 12, according to the Observatory.

Iran says IAEA report 'proof' its atomic work peaceful

Iran has said a new report by the UN atomic energy agency on its nuclear activities is "proof" the programme is peaceful, as analysts played down the agency's discovery of higher-grade uranium traces.

Ali Asghar Soltanieh, Iran's envoy to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), was speaking late yesterday after the report, circulated earlier in the day, revealed that uranium traces of a higher grade than any found before had been detected.
The report, he said, "is more proof of the peaceful nature of Iran's nuclear activities and of our country's success in the field of nuclear technology, in particular enrichment, and its full cooperation with the agency."
The report, seen by AFP yesterday, said the traces found at the Fordo site, inside a mountain near Qom, were of uranium enriched to purities of 27 per cent.
Soltanieh gave no direct reaction to the discovery itself.
"The report once again proves to the international community that all Iranian nuclear activities are successfully underway and are uninterrupted, and that there is no diversion in Iran's nuclear material towards military objectives," he said.
Iran has told the IAEA that the Fordo site was enriching only to 20 per cent, which was already of concern to the watchdog since the capability to do so shortens the theoretical time needed to enrich to weapons-grade uranium of 90 per cent.
Soltanieh's comments come after the P5+1 powers-the United States, Russia, China, Britain, France and Germany proposed in a meeting with Iran this week that Iran stop 20-per cent enrichment and a suspension of all activities at Fordo, diplomats said.
The IAEA report said Iran had indicated that the production of nuclear particles "above the target value" may have happened "for technical reasons beyond the operator's control."
"The agency is assessing Iran's explanation and has requested further details. On 5 May 2012, the agency took further environmental samples from the same location.... These samples are currently being analysed," it said.

NHPC Ltd declares 7% dividend for year 2011-12

NHPC Ltd briefed the media on May 25 2012 at Hotel Taj, Mansingh Road New Delhi  that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on May 25, 2012, inter alia, has recommended a final dividend @ 7% (Rs. 0.70 per equity share) on the paid up share capital of the Company, for the financial year 2011-12 as final Dividend.In its performance report read by the Chairman envisage
NHPC Ltd achieved highest ever Net Profit after Tax of Rs 2771.77 Cr,this is 27.93% higher than net profit after tax of rs 2,166.67 Cr earned during 2010-11.Sales turn over is of Rs 5509.65 Cr as against rs 4,046.59 Cr of last year.
Government of India has conveyed its approval for change in object clause 1a] of Memorandum of Association of NHPC which inter-alia allows NHPC on its own to plan,promote and organize an integrated and efficient development of power in all its aspects through conventional and non conventional sources in India and abroad.
MoU signed with Russian power giant company JSC RusHydro on 23,05.2011 for co-operation in the field of hydro power development,renewable energy sources and other areas of power generation.
With fourteen power projects in hand at national level and  MoU signed JSC RusHydro along with its objective clause widened the company goes global in time and years to come.

Friday, May 25, 2012

European Union leaders have agreed on a new initiative to help Greece achieve economic growth, but continue to insist the country carry out austerity measures.EU leaders met for six hours in an extraordinary summit held in Brussels, Belgium, on Wednesday.

Greece has been in recession for five years, crippled by a debt mountain, high unemployment and labour unrest.There are fears that a Greek exit could trigger a run on the banks  not only there but in other eurozone countries.
EU confirmed they want Greece to stay in the eurozone but called on it to carry out austerity and respect its commitments for receiving an EU bailout.Leaders agreed for the first time on measures to help Greece achieve economic growth and job creation.They agreed to use EU subsidies designed to narrow inequalities among members.

EU summit comes as Greece prepares to hold fresh elections June 17th after attempts to form a coalition failed.After the summit, European Council President Herman Van Rompuy said continuing vital reforms is the best guarantee for a more prosperous future in the euro area. He said EU leaders expect the next Greek government to make that choice.

He also said the EU needs both financial stability and growth, and should not see the situation as a choice between the two.The meeting discussed growth strategies for the region amid the reality that austerity is hurting the economies of heavily indebted countries.They agreed on measures such as boosting the lending capacity of the European Investment Bank.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel says she and new French President Francois Hollande failed to narrow differences on the issue of euro-bonds during the European Union summit. The leaders debated the idea to launch euro bonds as a way to ease the debt crisis.

After the summit, Merkel said eurobonds, which allow troubled nations to borrow funds at lower rates than their fiscal conditions require, would not foster growth in the euro-zone.

Merkel said she expressed the view at the summit and some European nations shared the opinion.

French President Hollande told reporters eurobonds would be a tool for long-term EU integration and that he hopes to make progress at a summit late next month.

  European Union is not considering an association agreement with Ukraine over what it regards as political persecution in the country, French Foreign Ministry spokesman Bernard Valero said on Thursday.
“The human rights situation in Ukraine, in particular political trials, arouses serious concern within the EU. Clearly, the signing of an EU-Ukraine association agreement is not being considered in this situation,” he said.
The bilateral deal aims to establish political association and economic integration between the EU and Ukraine, but European Council President Herman Van Rompuy said in December the agreement is unlikely to be signed before Ukrainian parliamentary elections due in October.

The trial and subsequent seven-year jail term of former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko, which Europe sees as politically motivated, also became a hurdle.Tymoshenko was jailed for pushing through a 2009 gas deal with Russia that Ukrainian authorities say has caused multi-billion-dollar losses to the national economy and deny accusations by Western powers and Russia that the trial was politically motivated.European parliament will vote on Thursday on a resolution calling for free and fair elections and the release of political prisoners in Ukraine.
According to a statement released by the European Parliament, EU lawmakers will discuss on Thursday the situation in Ukraine, and in particularly the treatment of jailed opposition leader Yulia Tymoshenko.
Vladimir Makiyenko, a pro-Europe Ukrainian lawmaker told Russian newspaper, Nezavisimaya Gazeta, on Wednesday that the EU had the mechanisms and capacity to introduce sanctions against Ukraine.
“There can be made uncomfortable, and even humiliating for ordinary people, decisions as well as ones financially dangerous for Ukrainian businessmen who are close to the ruling authorities…But nothing will happen before the Ukrainian parliamentary elections,” The Nezavisimaya Gazeta quoted Makiyenko as saying.
The members of the European Parliament will also consider issues relating to the signing of an Association Agreement with Ukraine, a bilateral deal aimed at establishing political association and economic integration between the European Union and Ukraine.
At the EU-Ukraine summit, held in Kiev in December 2011, European Council President Herman Van Rompuy said the agreement is unlikely to be signed before the Ukrainian parliamentary elections due in October. The trial and subsequent seven-year jail term for Tymoshenko, which Europe sees as politically motivated, has also became a hurdle for signing the document.
Tymoshenko was jailed for seven years for pushing through a 2009 gas deal with Russia. Authorities in Ukraine say the deal has caused multi-billion-dollar losses to the country’s economy and deny accusations by Western powers and Russia that the trial was politically motivated.
A recent appeal hearing involving Tymoshenko was delayed due to health issues surrounding the former Ukraine Prime Minister.  European leaders have called on Ukraine to ensure that she has access to effective medical care.
“The Ukrainian authorities and the parliament have agreed that medical experts will be sent to Ukraine to treat Ms Tymoshenko,” the European Parliament said in its statement.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Three cities Tokyo,Istanbul,Madrid candidates for 2020 Olympics

The International Olympic Committee has picked Tokyo, Istanbul, and Madrid, as final candidates to host the 2020 Summer Games. IOC executive board met in Quebec City, Canada, on Wednesday.

In all, 5 cities were screened in many categories, including transportation, accommodation, and what international sports events they've hosted in the past, based on the plans they have submitted.
Doha of Qatar and Baku of Azerbaijan were eliminated.

The Tokyo government plans to appeal to IOC members at the London Olympics this summer, while trying to work out the details of its plan.The host city for the 2020 Summer Olympics and Paralympics will be announced at the IOC general meeting in Argentina in September 2013.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

A military strike against Iranian facilities is not out of the question:Ehud Barak

A military strike against Iranian facilities is not out of the question, even though Tehran has reached agreement on a probe with the UN’s nuclear watchdog, says Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak.

­The official was referring to a deal announced on Tuesday by the International Atomic Energy Agency. Barak called it an Iranian ploy to fend off international pressure.The minister told Army Radio that "a nuclear Iran is intolerable and no options should be taken off the table," referring to the use of force.
He said the only way Israel could see Iran develop its civilian nuclear industry is if it shuts down all of its uranium enrichment sites and uses imported fuel.

This comments came as Iranian nuclear negotiators are meeting the P5+1 group in Baghdad on Wednesday. They are to discuss the conflict over Iran’s nuclear ambitions, which the West suspects of being a clandestine attempt to build an atomic weapon. Iran insists its pursuits are purely civilian.

"Dragging things out, in our eyes, is problematic, so conversations between the West and Iran must occur more frequently. North Korea also negotiated with the West but in the end tested nuclear weapons," Barak pointed out.
Last week US Ambassador Dan Shapiro said the Pentagon has a plan for a military strike on Iran, and may carry it out if ordered.
"It would be preferable to resolve this diplomatically and through the use of pressure than to use military force," he said.

media agencies Input RT news

Ahmadinejad to visit Beijing next month

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad will visit Beijing next month, a spokesman for the Islamic republic's embassy said Wednesday, amid an escalating crisis over Tehran's nuclear programme.
Ahmadinejad will be in the Chinese capital for a meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation, a Central Asian grouping headed by Beijing and Moscow, said spokesman Mohammad Ali Ziaei.
"Yes, it has been confirmed. The exact date of arrival is not set, but for sure the president will be here on June 7," the spokesman said, giving no further details.
Russian President Vladimir Putin will also attend the June 6-7 gathering, to be chaired by China's President Hu Jintao.
Tehran insists that its nuclear programme is for peaceful use, but it faces a raft of sanctions from the United Nations, the United States and the European Union over suspicions that it is trying to develop atomic weapons. China, a close ally of Iran, has criticised the measures.
Ahmadinejad last visited China in 2010, when he attended the World Expo in Shanghai. Iran has observer status in the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation, which groups China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan and focuses on regional issues including anti-terrorism.

“Threatened Birds of India - Their Conservation Requirements”

BNHS  today release its new book “Threatened Birds of India - Their Conservation Requirements” authors Director, Dr Asad R Rahmani. Reference book, is a comprehensive detail on birds in India, was today released by Smt Jayanthi Natarajan, Minister of State for Environment and Forests, Government of India, viz on 22nd May 2012 at WWF conference hall in New Delhi. This book is a tribute to avian biodiversity, celebrating its beauty as well as campaigning for the plight of the many fantastic species teetering on the brink of extinction. It is the product of the commitment and dedication of its author, the rigorous science and action orientated approach of BNHS and the collective work of numerous contributing researchers, birdwatchers and photographers. The BirdLife International global partnership of conservation organisations in over 100 countries and territories worldwide, of which BNHS is the Indian Partner, has also played an important role. It is based on the most extensive and reliable database on priority sites and species, on the basis of consistent global standards, data which are crucial to setting priorities, to ensure that policy and action should always be informed by good science and good data.
Conservation is a constant struggle, more so in India which is changing rapidly, as we aim to rightfully find our place as a developed nation. However, this development must be sustainable and equitable or it will bring social upheaval and disaster to the remaining wild areas. In India, most conservation actions are tiger-centric, with little attention paid to other taxa. Non-tiger habitats are not so well protected and some are still considered as wasteland. This book shows that nearly 50% of the globally threatened bird species are not found in any of the 39 tiger reserves of India and therefore draw no benefit from tiger conservation. We must look beyond Project Tiger if we want to save all wildlife and all wild areas. If this book helps in changing the focus of conservation to make it more inclusive, it will have served its purpose.
This book published by Indian Bird Conservation Network, an initiative of BNHS and BirdLife International, is a fine example of worldwide collaboration among organisations and numerous individuals. It uses the BirdLife/IUCN 2011 list as a base and provides India-specific information to make it relevant to the Indian public and decision makers. It also includes most recent detailed information on 15 Critically Endangered, 15 Endangered, 52 Vulnerable, 66 Near Threatened and two Data Deficient bird species, along with articles on various aspects of bird protection.
The book will be of interest to researchers, students, professors, policy makers, bureaucrats, bird lovers, corporates, NGOs and the lay reader interested in the natural world in general, and birds in particular. Priced at Rs 3000, this 870-pages book printed on art paper, has a very attractive cover of Satyr Tragopan and includes 155 maps and 645 photos in colour.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

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Language: ไทย

METALEX 2012 is ready to welcome you to discover the largest army of global technology providers for metalworking and machine tools universe in ASEAN. All exhibitors are eager to showcase their “best-of-breed” technologies and innovations with live demonstrations across the show floor. Visiting the show enables you to source and network with major brands while catching up with the new industrial and market trends to get yourself ready for the upcoming challenges. Many international exhibitors will debut the latest offerings for the first time in Asia.

Below are some of 2,700 brands from 50 countries awaiting to showcase their highlighted technologies during show days!

Lineup of New Knowledge
for Powerful Tomorrows!

Moreover, there are several different dedicated conferences and activities such as the 2nd METALEX Nano Forum, Japan – Thai Mold & Die Symposium, Asian Welding Federation Meeting, Machine Tools Summit, hot conferences, technology presentations and Business Matchmaking Program. Click here for updated show movement and more details.

Therefore, visitors to METALEX 2012 will be able to identify and learn about new products and solutions, understand the effects of industrial trends, realize how cutting edge technologies can enhance their productivity, network and build new contacts and peers and, of course, observe the competition.

Click here to pre-register your visit and sharpen your competitive edges with all major global brands who have already chosen their destination to connect with ASEAN metalworking community at METALEX 2012 from 21 - 24 November 2012 at BITEC, Bangkok, Thailand.

  Show Movement

JAMTAT Ready to Unleash ASEAN’s Industrial Potential with Japanese Technologies!

Recently, Japanese Machine Tools Association of Thailand (JAMTAT) hosted an official meeting at Reed Tradex’s office to confirm their participation under the JAMTAT Pavilion in METALEX 2012 with space occupation requirements. Mr. Tsuneyuki Ishii, President of JAMTAT, led the session with over 40 members from 20 companies present and voiced out their confidence towards the show.

METALEX Congratulated Mitsubishi’s Open House Ceremony

Last week, METALEX team congratulated the opening of an annual open house ceremony by Mitsubishi Electric Automation (Thailand) which featured the debuts of new technologies and machinery such as Wire-Cut EDM MV Series of new wire-cut electrical discharge machines (EDMs) which is suitable for cutting applications for a diverse range of products from product parts to those that require high-accuracy processing, including molding die, and the new Laser Cutting Machine eX Series which features automatic nozzle changer, wide range of piercing application (such as blow pierce or beat pierce) with greater working speed. The ceremony was packed with invited guests who were excited by the presented showcases.

  Industry News

Ford opens new Thailand plant

Ford Motor opened a new US$450 million plant in Thailand that can make 150,000 cars a year, expanding its export hub to meet rising demand in neighboring countries. The automaker will begin producing its new Focus compact at the Rayong factory in eastern Thailand next month.

The facility increases Ford's annual capacity in Thailand to 445,000 vehicles as the automaker aims to boost global sales to eight million units by 2015 with one-third of deliveries in Asia by 2020. The Rayong plant is capable of producing six vehicle models as Ford expects to widen its lineup in Asean countries, New Zealand and Australia.

New Focus compact cars made in the plant will be exported to ASEAN countries, Australia and New Zealand. Ford's Rayong plant may add as many as 11,000 new jobs, including 2,200 direct jobs with Ford and 8,800 jobs through its supplier and dealer networks. The company estimated local purchases of components will be worth as much as $800 million.

Ford last month said it would invest an additional $27 million with partner Mazda Motor Corp in AutoAlliance Thailand, where it makes the Ford Ranger pickup and Ford Fiesta subcompact. The investment will be used to increase capacity by 20,000 units a year.
(Source: Bangkok Post)

China's SAIC eyes Thai assembly plant

SAIC Motor, China's biggest automaker, is planning a venture with CP Group to build passenger cars in Thailand. SAIC intends to develop the new assembly plant as a production centre for right-hand-drive vehicles to sell in the region and in other markets that drive on the right.

CP vice-chairman Thanakorn Seriburi said “The entry of the company would mean not only Chinese investment in the assembly plant, but also in auto parts."

He expects the Chinese carmaker to introduce the well-known MG series to the Thai car market, or perhaps use the country as a base to assemble modified MGs and Rovers.

CP is also studying a plan to make motorcycles in Thailand, hoping to capitalize on the big local market with its 2 million units sold last year.
(Source: Bangkok Post)
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Real estate industry should come forward to build houses for urban poor: Prof. Saugata Roy

New Delhi, May 20th 2012: To upscale its real estate, India needs to add more cities, while strengthening existing ones, with an effective urban planning strategy which is sympathetic to regional needs and considerations, said Prof. Saugata Roy, Minister of State – Urban Development, Government of India at India Realty 2012 organised by EPC World Media Group.
"The massive urbanisation in the past few decades has led to severe housing shortage for the urban poor... providing affordable housing is one of the most formidable challenges that our country faces today," Roy added.
Raising his concern over the lack of participation from real estate developers on houses for urban poor, Roy said, “The government has sought to create an enabling and supportive environment for expanding credit flow to the housing sector and increasing home ownership in the country.”
Several policies and initiatives like fiscal incentives have been taken to facilitate private sector participation in supply of affordable housing, he added.
While delivering his welcome address, Tejasvi Sharma – Editor-in-Chief & Director, The EPC World Media Group said, “At present, the country have shortages of around 26.7 million units, which is a matter of concern. As the economy shows signs of decreasing GDP growth rate, the Indian real estate industry faces its own share of concerns – rising raw material prices, fluctuating interest rates, inflation, weak governance etc.”
The Realty India 2012 is at right place and at right time, he added. Realty India 2012 held in Delhi and aptly themed ‘Emerging business opportunities & changing trends in the Indian realty market’ aimed at gaining perspectives on factors that could turn India into a global real estate powerhouse in the next few years.
Addressing the inaugural session, Dr Sudhir Krishna, Secretary, Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India, said, “It is necessary to provide better living conditions for people in urban areas whether they are rich class, middle class or poor. And this can be done through only real estate industry as they are facilitator for us.”
"We are looking forward to reciprocate the initiative from the private sector to supply these housing units," he added.
Giving an overview of 12th Five Year Plan, Dr PR Swarup, Director General, Construction Industry Development Council (CIDC), said, “India requires around Rs55 lakh crore of investment in the next five years to uplift the urban infrastructure, but, at the same time there is a great need for skilled and trained labour. I urge government to take some constructive steps in developing modules and institutions for untrained manpower of India.”
Echoing the same was Ranjeet More, Vice President–BAI (West) & MD, Universal Construction Machinery & Equipment. While delivering his keynote address, More said, “India needs to mechanize the entire process of construction to match the speed and quality of developed countries but for that we should be able to produce skilled labour to deliver the massive infrastructure of the country.”
According to HS Pasricha, Chairman – Delhi Centre, Builders’ Association of India & MD, Winner Constructions Pvt. Ltd, affordable housing is a real problem in India, and the world is well aware of it. “The income pyramid in India is heavy at the bottom, with over 60% of the households earning averagely less than Rs80,000 per year. Nearly 19% of the households can’t afford any type of housing through their income. Another 44.6% of the households in the Lower Middle Income Group can’t afford a house in Tier I or II cities. Builders, architects and government have to plan real estate development which conforms to the needs of the income pyramid of India.”
Housing is a basic need and measures like increasing density by hiking the floor-area ratio and encouraging public-private partnership should be considered in fulfilling the housing need of the country, opines SK Chaudhary, Sr. Executive Director-Projects, HUDCO.
He said availability of land at cheap rates is the greatest challenge in providing affordable housing in the country.
However, Prof Roy, in the second phase of Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM) targets to build around 15 lakhs homes for urban poor. “JNNURM is a reform driven programme and in the next phase of JNNURM, we will build around 15 lakhs of homes for urban poor.”
He also added that under JNNURM, it has sanctioned around 40 solid waste management projects under public private partnership model.

Japan to support Afghanistan's development

Japan has urged NATO member states to continue to support Afghanistan after international troops withdraw in 2014.Japan's foreign minister Koichiro Gemba made the appeal in his speech at a NATO summit in Chicago on Monday.

He said it's important to have a stable Afghanistan and realize the country's potential for development after the NATO troops withdraw.Gemba said Japan will host a ministerial-level meeting in Tokyo on July 8th to discuss the war-torn country's reconstruction and development. He urged the NATO states to assist Afghanistan for 10 years after the troops' pullout.

Japan is not a NATO member, but Gemba attended the summit to promote the Tokyo meeting in July.After the summit, Gemba told his US counterpart, Hillary Clinton, that Japan will continue to help Afghanistan improve its security after 2015.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Thomas Vinterberg on the origins of The Hunt:

Thomas Vinterberg: "Through the internet, the world's become a small village full of rumours."

Thomas Vinterberg: 'Through the internet, the world's become a small village full of rumours.'
Mads Mikkelsen
The entire crew for The Hunt, directed by Thomas Vinterberg and presented In Competition this Sunday, responded to questions from journalists.
Thomas Vinterberg on the origins of The Hunt:
We carried out an enormous amount of research before shooting the film. We were inspired by a number of cases of sexual abuse that appeared in the press. In a case like this, the children are victims too as they suffer from having to lie to adults to satisfy them. In Denmark, we have a saying that only children and drunks always speak the truth. This is false. Many doors are opened in this film. We leave the choice to the viewer.
Mads Mikkelsen on the film and his character, Lucas:
Lucas's character is stubborn. Yet paradoxically, he finds it hard to say no and move forward in life. He loves children, but this love will lead him to a feeling of fear. We are not questioning the fact that too many children are victims of paedophilia. Lucas is the innocent adult victim of a witch hunt. It is this situation that we wanted to present.
Thomas Vinterberg describes the rumour theme:
The film takes place in the microcosm of a village where information spreads quickly, like a virus. Through the Internet, the world's become a small village full of rumours. But what matters most in this film is the love between the characters. They try to get close to one another despite the misunderstandings.

Northern Italy quake kill seven people

A magnitude 6 earthquake has hit northern Italy, killing at least 7 people.

 US Geological Survey says the quake struck around 4 AM local time on Sunday.

The epicenter was 36 kilometers north-northwest of the medieval city of Bologna. The focus is estimated to be 5.1 kilometers deep.Buildings near another medieval city, Ferrara, were destroyed in the quake. Local disaster authorities say at least 7 people were killed and 50 injured.

  Historic buildings are said to have collapsed in towns near the epicenter. Rescue workers are searching the debris for survivors.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

All India Confederation of SC/ST Organisations,organise demonstration in Delhi

All-India Confederation of SC/ST Organisations, organise demonstration on 21 May 2012 ,Monday at 11 AM at Jantar Mantar,Parliament Street,New Delhi with their charter of demands .“Every person who participated in the publication of the cartoon should be penalised and a criminal case should be registered against them,” K P Chaudhary, Secretary-General of the organisation said.Prominent National Leaders of Confederation Shri A R Joshi,Shri B S Bharti,Shri Ashok Kumar Shri kanwar Singh and Shri KP Chaudhry  and former Union Minister Shri Ramvilas Paswan,MP Dr P L Punia Chairman National Commmission for SC,Vice Chairman Dr Raj Kumar Verka,member Shri Raju Parmar,Shri praveen rashtrapal, M.P.,Shri Kamal Kishore Commando,M.P.,Shri Ghanshyam Anuragi,M.P. and Shri Pradeep Tamta,M.P., will address the gathering.

1.The culprits responsible for dishonouring of Bharat Ratna Baba Saheb Dr B R Ambedkar by Publishing his cartoos in N.C.E.R.T. Books should be panelized,arrested and must be sent to Jail by registering Criminal Case demanded strict action against officials involved.
 2.Union HRD Minister,Shri Kapil Sibal must be removed from the Union Cabinet and criminal case must be registered against him.
3.Govt.should amend the constitution for quashing the impact of Supreme Court Judgement dated 27.04.2012 delivered against the reservation of SC/ST communities in promotions.
4.Reservation Act should be enacted and should be kept in the 9th Schedule of Indian Constitution.
5.The reservation of SC/ST communities should be increased in the ratio of present population from 22.55 to 32%.
6.Reservation should be made in Private Sector,Higher Education,Judiciary,Army.
7.The SC sub plan and tribe sub plan funds should be utilized for the welfare of these communities and from these funds Residential Schools of Minimum 1000 Children should be established   by Government of India /State Government at tehsil leve;l for providing free education to each and every child of SC/ST from nursery to 12 th class.
8.National Commission for SC and National Commission for ST should be given more powers and their recommendations should be made mandatory to safeguards the interest and welfare of SC/ST communities.
9.At the pattern of other countries like USA,the principal of diversity should be implemented in india for providing proportional employment to people of SC/ST Communities.
10.More than 1- Lac backlog/shortfall vacancies of SC/ST community should be filled up by launching special drive.

India beat Sri Lanka 7 wickets in Indore India beat Sri Lanka by seven wickets in Indore. Virat Kohli hit an unbeaten 30 as  India   ...