Sunday, April 5, 2015

Rampant use of fake documents in ship breaking industry


Rampant use of fake documents in ship breaking industry and urgent need for verification of authenticity of documents of end-of-life ships on Alang beach
From: gopal krishna <1715krishna"””"> Sun, 5 Apr ’15 2:43p
To: and others
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ToxicsWatch Alliance (TWA)
Shri Barun Mitra
Ship Breaking Scrap Committee
Joint Secretary
Ministry of Shipping
Government of India
New Delhi
Date: April 5, 2015
Subject-Rampant use of fake documents in ship breaking industry and urgent need for verification of authenticity of documents of end-of-life ships on Alang beach & compliance with Hon’ble Supreme Court’s order, Shipbreaking Code 2013 and Basel Convention
In continuation of my previous letters, this is submit that I have learnt that the documents of ownership and port of registry of most of the currently beached end-of-life ships on Alang beach, Bhavnagar have not been verified as per Hon’ble Supreme Court’s order and Shipbreaking Code 2013, I wish to draw your immediate attention towards the phenomena of fake document factories at work in Alang in particular and shipping industry in general.
I have reliably learnt that officials who have been assigned the task do not have the competence to verify the authenticity of documents. I have officially demonstrated it in the past and the same has officially been acknowledged but no remedial measures have been taken so far. The attached documents provide ample proof of the same.
We now know that the registry of the end-of-life ship Platinum II (formerly Oceanic, Independence) which entered into the Indian waters was falsified. The original sample of the registry document and the fake document attached.
The official registry of Kiribati has stated in writing that the paper filed with Indian authorities is fake. The real registry therefore is US.  The reason this has happened is:-a) they believed they could get away with this.b) they did not want to notifiy and get permission from the US to reflag because it is known that US requires Maritime Administration (MARAD) approval for any reflagging for scrap purposes
It is clear that two laws have been violated-the US Maritime Law and likely Indian Maritime Law. It must be illegal for a ship to be brought into India with a falsified flag and registry.
I submit that the remnants of Platinum II now rests at anchorage off Gopnath point approximately 40 nautical miles from the Alang coast while concerned authorities are yet decide her fate. ‘;Platinum-II'; continued to be anchored off Alang in Gujarat waiting to be dismantled, despite the Centre ordering it on November 9, 2009 to return to its place of origin. ‘;Platinum-II'; was called ‘;SS Oceanic'; and ‘;SS Independence'; before it was declared “dead” by the US naval administration.  The highly-contaminated ship entered Indian waters clandestinely waving a fake flag and using fake papers. The ‘;Platinum-II'; owner lied that the erstwhile warship was registered with Singapore-based Kiribati Ship Registry. The Kiribati Ship registry';s operations manager Mr Liau Siew Leng informed that neither ‘;Platinum-II'; nor its tug ‘;Barracuda-I'; was registered with them.
I submit that instead of complying with the Government of India’s order dated 9.11.2009, the Gujarat Maritime Board (GMB) by letter dated December 1, 2009 has once again created a fait accompli to out-wit the order passed by the Ministry of Environment & Forests, that the ship cannot be refloated and is defined as “wreck”. This was/is a manifest attempt to escape indictment through linguistic corruption which has raised judicial eye brows.
The attached GMB letter addressed to Dr Saroj, Director, Hazardous Substances Management Division, Ministry of Environment & Forests informed that Gujarat Pollution Control Board (GPCB) has so far not submitted any information and opinion in the matter of violation of US Toxics Substances Control Act, which was mentioned in the Environment Ministry';s order. Notably, the dead ship in question is not registered with the Directorate General of Shipping. Instead of admitting dereliction of duty by the GMB and Customs, the letter speculated that US Coast Guard could not have allowed the dead US ship Platinum II (SS Oceanic, SS Independence) to leave US waters. It notes that no intimation from US or Dubai authorities have reached them so far.
Indian law with respect to wreck is laid down in Part XIII of the Merchant Shipping Act, 1958. The Section 2 (58) of Indian Merchant Shipping Act, 1958 defines ‘wreck’ in an inclusive manner so as to take in both ‘goods’ and ‘vessels’. The definition of wreck is vague. The term ‘vessel’, under Section 2 (55) of the Act includes any ship, boat, sailing vessel or other description of vessel used in navigation which has been abandoned without hope or intention of recovery. Thus abandonment is a prerequisite for a vessel to be treated as a wreck. The insistence on total abandonment without even a hope or intention of recovery clearly shows that a stranded vessel or a vessel that is reasonably expected to sink cannot be termed as a Wreck under the Act. This was not the case in the matter of the dead US ship.
The Act after defining Wreck elaborates on norms governing the handling of Wreck in Part XIII which also deals with salvage. Even if it gets proven that the dead US toxic ship is wreck, even then the Act provides that the Central Government may appoint a receiver to receive and take possession of the wreck and to perform such duties as envisaged under Section 391 of the Act. Clearly, GMB is motive in committing a linguistic corruption of defining a floating hazardous waste is to use the lacunae in the Indian law relating to the handling and removal of wrecks that has been permitting the perpetrators of illegality to go scot-free and the public exchequer is burdened with the task of meeting the huge expenses for wreck removal. The owner of the dead US ship must be made liable for his acts of omission and commission.
There were apprehensions expressed about the veracity of the claim that the ship cannot be refloated again and its reference to as wreck was taken with a pinch of salt.
As per the Supreme Court of India, “Before a ship arrives at port, it should have proper consent from the concerned authority or the State Maritime Board, stating that it does not contain any hazardous waste or radioactive substances.” And with regard to hazardous wastes, its orders “Disposal of waste material, viz. oil, cotton, dead cargo of inorganic material like hydrated/solidified elements, thermo- Cole pieces, glass wool, rubber, broken tiles, etc. should be done in a proper manner, utilizing technologies that meet the criteria of an effective destruction efficiency of 99.9 per cent, with no generation of persistent organic pollutants, and complete containment of all gaseous, liquid and solid residues for analysis and, if needed, reprocessing. Such disposed of material should be kept at a specified place earmarked for this purpose. Special care must be taken in the handling of asbestos wastes, and total quantities of such waste should be made known to the concerned authorities. The Gujarat Pollution Control Board should authorize appropriate final disposal of asbestos wastes.”
With regard to international environmental law, the court';s order reads, “At the international level, India should participate in international meetings on shipbreaking at the level of the International Maritime Organization and the Basel Convention’s Technical Working Group with a clear mandate for the decontamination of ships of their hazardous substances such as asbestos, waste oil, gas and PCBs, prior to export to India for breaking.”
Shockingly, in the case of dead US ship Platinum II (SS Oceanic, SS Independence), the above order has not been complied with nor has it been claimed that it has been complied with in the face of clear evidence of the ship being laden with asbestos, PCBs and radioactive material.
I submit that after my complaint standing monitoring committee on ship breaking yards, Union Ministry of Environment & Forests and officials of Hazardous Substances Management Division undertook a site visit and
submitted a report requesting Directorate General of Shipping, Union Ministry of Shipping to develop procedure for scrutiny of ship';s certificates.
The relevant part of the report of the standing committee of Union Ministry of Environment & Forests reads: “The issue regarding the submission of fake certificates by the ship owners/agents came up for discussion. The committee members suggested that since GMB/Customs were not able to verify the authenticity/genuineness of ship’s registry/flag in the fast in respect of some ships referred to them, this task in respect of each ship may be referred to the DG Shipping under the Ministry of Shipping to do such verification henceforth. GMB has reported that they will consult this matter with their senior officers and revert back to MoEF within 7 days.  Subsequently, the GMB officials informed MoEF that the suggestion of the committee is acceptable to them subject to such verification by DG Shipping is done within a period of 2 working days. If no information is received from the DG Shipping within 2 working days, it will be presumed that the certificate submitted is authentic and genuine.” Such callous approach of GMB is quite alarming merits serious attention and probe.
The members of the Standing Monitoring Committee (SMC) on Shipbreaking comprised of (1) Dr. M. Subba Rao, Director, MoEF, (2) Shri B. R. Naidu, Scientist-D and Zonal Officer, CPCB, Vadodara (3) Shri B. D.
Ghosh, Addl. Industrial Adviser, Ministry of Steel, (4) Capt. J. S. Uppal, Principal Officer, Mercantile Marine Department, DG Shipping, (5) Dr. S. R. Tripathi, Asstt. Director, NIOH, and (6) Dr. R. R. Tiwari, Scientist-C, NIOH.
The letter was responded to by Shri D Mehrotra, Deputy Surveyor cum Senior DDG (Tech.), DG Shipping by letter [No.ENG/CCI-24 (1))/2002] dated June 28, 2011 written to Secretary, MoEF. Following which an
Office Memorandum [No.29-3/2009-HSMD], MoEF dated August 29, 2011 seeking strict compliance with the procedure to combat the menace of fake documents in the ship breaking industry. This is required as per
the recommendations of the Hon';ble Court';s order.
I submit that the official procedure is as under:-
1.      Gujarat Maritime Board (GMB) to send details of ship owner and copies of statutory and copies of the statutory certificates to the local Mercantile Marine Department (MMD)
2.      The Principal Officer of the said Mercantile Marine Department (MMD) will verify the authenticity through Equasis website and other available resources and inform GMB with reference to authenticity of
3.      In case certificates cannot be verified by MMD, the MMD will forward the same to the Port State Control (PSC) Cell of the Directorate justifying the inability. PSC Cell of the Directorate will take the matter with the concerned Flag Administration and verify authenticity of the certificates and convey the same to the GMB with
copy to GMB.
I submit that a copy of the procedure was sent to Principal Officer of the said Mercantile Marine Department (MMD), Kandla.
I submit that in a notification [F.No. SR-12020/2/2011-MG] issued in the Gazette of India dated April 20, 2012, it is stated, “The Indian Coastguard and Indian Navy may also check and verify the protection and indemnity insurance and the name of Classification Society of the vessel, if considered necessary. If the vessel is not in  possession of a valid protection and indemnity insurance and certificate of class, the matter shall be reported to the Directorate General of Shipping immediately, for appropriate action under the Act.”
I submit that besides this as per an official communication Directorate General of Shipping, Ministry of Shipping [No.-NT(2)/Correspondent/12] dated 06/08/2013 on the subject of Non-IACS Classed old ships proceeding to ship breaking yard stated, “the concerned Coastal State/Ports has the responsibility to protect its coastline against shipping casualties which may/may not cause pollution…”. IACS stands for Indian Association of Classification Societies.
It further provided following safeguards required to be taken prior to the entry of such ship into their ports, or transiting through such ports or ship-breaking yards as the case may be, for the purpose of ship breaking:
1.      Such ships to carry a valid Third Party Insurance cover issued by the IG Club or otherwise (as acceptable to the Directorate of Shipping).
2.      Such ships to have in place valid single voyage permission from the Flag Administration and Certificate of Inspection issued by the authorized Recognized Organization (RO) of the Flag Administration of such ships.
3.      Such ships or ship-breaking yards must carry out risk assessment prior to allowing entry of such ships to its water.
4.      In the event of high risk cases, such ports or ship-breaking yards may approach the Port State Control (PSC) Cell of the D G Shipping or the local Principal Officer of Mercantile Marine Department (MMD) for
their inputs and advice including the conduct of Port State Control/Flag State implementation (FSI) inspection if necessary.
I submit that in the case of another end-of-life toxic ship Platinum II formerly known as the SS Oceanic (and originally, the SS Independence) that arrived in Indian waters for scrapping on 8th October 2009 with papers saying its flag was that of the Republic of Kiribati and that it was owned by Platinum Investment Services of Monrovia, Liberia. I had received official confirmation from the Operations Manager at Kiribati Ship Registry, Mr Liau Siew Leng, that the registration was a forgery. The Kiribati Ministry of Communications, Transport & Tourism Development Office further confirmed the falsified documents. The communication was officially communicated by Kiribati Ministry of Communications, Transport & Tourism Development Office to
the concerned Indian ministries including ministry of environment & forests.
I wish to reiterate that the permission for beaching if it is granted would be in violation of Hon’ble Supreme Court’s order, Shipbreaking Code 2013 and Basel Convention. The real owner of this dead and obsolete ship is Shri Christian Stadil, a noted Danish businessman who preaches a good deal about ethics in business but is apparently involved in unethical act of increasing the toxic burden on Alang’s ecosystem, migrant workers of the Gujarat’s shipbreaking industry and adjoining village communities.
I submit that in violation of the judgment of the Hon’ble court dated October 14, 2003 (reiterated in 2007 and 2012) which calls for prior decontamination of the ship in the country of export, the movement of this Danish ship fails to ensure the fundamental principle of “Prior Informed Consent”. The “reporting” is taking place only after the hazardous waste ship arrives in the importing country’s territory that a competent authority has the right to object and the objection allowed is not to the importation but to the ship recycling plan or ship recycling facility permit.  Thus, India is forced to receive hazardous waste in the form of ships.  The movement of such harmful toxic ships ignores Polluter Pays/Producer Responsibility Principle, Environmental Justice Principle, Waste Prevention/Substitution Principles and Principle of National Self Sufficiency in Waste Management.
I submit that if concerned government authorities in India allow entry to this Danish ship it will tantamount to grant of legal recognition to externalization of the real costs and liabilities of ships at end-of-life by the shipping companies of Europe and other developed countries.
I submit that the ongoing transfer of the end-of-life ships fails to reflect compliance with Basel Convention’s core obligation – minimisation of transboundary movements of hazardous waste, and as such will not prevent hazardous wastes such as asbestos, PCBs, old fuels, and heavy metals from being exported to the poorest communities and most desperate workers in developing countries. It fails to end the fatally flawed method of dismantling ships known as “beaching” where ships are cut open on tidal flats. This is required because on a beach it is impossible to contain oils and toxic contaminants from entering the marine environment; safely use cranes alongside ships to lift heavy cut pieces or to rescue workers; bring emergency equipment to the
workers or the ships and protect the fragile coastal environmental zone from the hazardous wastes on ships. It allows hazardous substances from end-of-life ships to enter India outwitting the motive of the Basel Convention and leaving a toxic legacy for generations to come.
I submit that the movement of this ship under the flag of Bahamas is in violation of UN’s Basel Convention on Transboundary Movement of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal to which India is a party. It is also in violation of relevant European law by which it is governed. The letter dated 15 April, 2005 authored by Ms Connie Hedegaard, the then Denmark';s environment minister to her Indian counterpart Shri A Raja about the illegal movement of a 51 year-old asbestos laden ship, Kong Fredrick IX underlines it.
I submit that there is an urgent need to set matters right and undo the damage done by Shri A Raja’s tenure.
I submit that the ship breaking activities are linked to issues of maritime and national security as has been recorded repeatedly in the minutes of the Inter-Ministerial Committee (IMC) on Ship breaking.
I wish to request you to order an inquiry into the fate of Platinum II to set matters right because illegality committed by and its fate has set a very bad and unhealthy precedent for entry of end-of-life ships in Indian waters.
In view of the above, I request you to ensure that entries of end-of-life ships are compliant with obligations under Basel Convention, Hon';ble Court';s order and the Shipbreaking Code.
I will be happy to share more details in this regard.
Thanking You
Yours faithfully
Gopal Krishna
ToxicsWatch Alliance (TWA)
Mb: 08227816731, 9818089660
No Land Acquisition! We Demand Land Rights!!
Bhumi Adhikaar Andolan

Protest Anti Farmer – Worker Land Ordinance 2015
6th April, 4 pm, Jantar Mantar
The Modi Government has once again proven that it is indeed anti-farmer-labourer and pro-corporates by promulgating the land ordinance 2015 on the eve of 3rd April. Turning a complete blind eye to the nation-wide fierce opposition to the ordinance, neither did the government hold any dialogue with people’s movements and affected farmers / labourers groups nor did it pay any attention to the political parties that have opposed this draconian ordinance. With the single-minded agenda of kneeling before the corporates while crores of our citizens are exploited, displaced, disposed and deprived, this government has shown that it simply does not care for the poor and toiling people, for our land, agriculture and nature.
However, we the people’s movements, workers unions, farmer organizations and concerned citizens of this country will not allow this government to take this undemocratic and anti-people move and will intensify our opposition in every nook and corner of the country.
Several people’s movements and farmers union who have come together under the banner of Bhoomi Adhikar Andolan, will burn copies of this ordinance in every village, block, district and state.
In Delhi, we appeal to one and all to gather at Jantar Mantar, New Delhi at 4 pm to burn the copies of the Land Ordinance to mark our protest against this anti-farmer-workers legislation.
Stop corporate loot of natural resources!!

  Contact : 9958797409, 9818905316, 9911528696, 9818864006
National Alliance of People’s MovementsNational Office : 6/6, Jangpura B, Mathura Road, New Delhi 110014
Phone : 011 24374535 Mobile : 09818905316
Web : |
Twitter : @napmindia
Dear All,
State Budgets Snapshot: 2015-16
(Brief summary of the State Budgets: Northern, Central and Eastern States of India)

The state governments have announced their annual Budgets 2015-16making allocations in important areas relating to socio-economic welfare. While Rajasthan has an investment inducing budget making spate of schemes for various sections and infrastructure development, Punjab laid emphasis on MSMEs and skill development. Uttarakhand has presented a welfare oriented and tax free budget while Himachal Pradesh and Haryana have focused on infrastructure development, roads and irrigation. A summary of the state budget highlights under the command area of PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry is given below:

S. No.
Budget Focus
Focus on Education sector, power and social welfare
Focus on youth, infrastructure and industry
Focus on considering the issues and problems of the general public
Focus on capital expenditure and infrastructure development
Himachal Pradesh
Priority to education, roads, irrigation and public health and agriculture
Jammu & Kashmir
Focus on a three-pronged initiative of “government, governance and changes”.
Focus on roads and building construction
Madhya Pradesh
Focus on Make in Madhya Pradesh campaign by increasing production capacities and employment opportunities.
Focus on Micro and Small enterprises and skill development
Investment inducing budget
Tax free and welfare oriented budget
Uttar Pradesh
Priority to roads, irrigation and power sectors

Source: PHD Research Bureau, compiled from state budget document 2015-16

S. No.
Estimated Revenue
Estimated Expenditure
Fiscal deficit target(% of GSDP)
Rs 120914.40 crore
Rs 120685.32 crore
Rs 64935 crore
Rs 65013 crore
Rs 37169 crore
Rs 37,750 crore
Rs 68985.87 crore
Rs 69140.29 crore
Himachal Pradesh
Rs 27138.22  crore
Rs 29539.04  crore
Rs 3285 crore
Jammu & Kashmir
Rs 42,137 crore
Rs 46,473 crore
Rs 55,492.95 crore
Rs 2136.84 crore
Madhya Pradesh
Rs 114422.89 crore
Rs 108834.92 crore
Rs 78085.36 crore
Rs 79313.86 crore
Rs 1,37,887.69 crore
Rs 1,37,713 crore
Rs 32310.07 crore.
Rs 32693.64 crore
Uttar Pradesh
Rs 296723.25 crore
Rs 302687.32 crore

Source: PHD Research Bureau, compiled from state budget document 2015-16

  1. Bihar

Bihar presented a revenue surplus budget for the state for next fiscal year setting aside sizable funds for education, power and social welfare sectors. The budget 2015-16 has set aside Rs 22,027 crore for education, while Rs 8,436.90 crore for energy sector. The revenue surplus has been pegged at Rs 11,980.95 crore, with estimated receipts at Rs 120914.40 crore and expenditure at Rs 1,20,685.32 crore. The fiscal deficit is likely to be contained at 2.98% of GSDP. For the year 2015-16, maximum funds have been allocated for education sector which is 19.16% of the total expenditure followed by other sectors. The budget has earmarked Rs. 4,1792.0 crore for social welfare schemes. Describing the Bihar’s economic health as robust, the government has proposed to raise the borrowing limit under the FRBM from 3% to 4%. 

2.      Chhattisgarh

Chhattisgarh budget lays an emphasis on youth, infrastructure and industry. Focus on infrastructure, coupled with the newly declared Industrial and IT Policies of the State will boost the investment opportunity in the State. To make domestic trade and industry more competitive, a series of trade- and business-friendly tax incentives in VAT, Central Sales Tax and Entry Tax have been announced. A major highlight of the budget is the introduction of a separate Youth Budget, which brings into sharp focus the public investment schemes that directly relate to the State’s youth. Rs. 6,151 crores has been allocated for youth, which represent 16% of the State Plan outlay.  Total receipt has been estimated at Rs 64935 crore for the FY 2016 and expenditure is pegged at Rs 65013 crore. Fiscal deficit is to be contained at 3%.

3.      Delhi

A Vote of Account is sought rather than presenting a new budget since the new government has been formed a month back only. The total expenditure is proposed at Rs 37,750 crore while total receipts are pegged at Rs 37,169 crore. The Budget estimates are for a period of three months or till the regular budget is passed by the Government. People’s suggestions would be taken into account in formulating the new budget. Maximum focus would be on considering the issues and problems of the general public and providing them with much needed relief on various fronts.

4.      Haryana

As per Budget Estimates, total receipts are projected at Rs 68,985.87 crore, including Rs 52,312.10 crore revenue receipts and Rs 16,673.77 crore capital receipts. The total expenditure (excluding the repayments) under the Budget Estimates 2015-16 is projected at Rs 69,140.29 crore, of which Revenue Expenditure is Rs 61,869.62 crore and Capital Expenditure is Rs 7,270.67 crore. The focus of the budget is mainly on capital expenditure and infrastructure development. A significant priority has been given to skill development and job creation. The emphasis on social sector has been on priority. Removal of VAT on bio-fertilisers has been proposed as bio-fertilizer use needs to be promoted for the sake of environment and soil health. The Budget estimates do not contain any proposal either for imposition of new taxes or any upward revision of existing tax rates.

5.      Himachal Pradesh

Himachal Pradesh presented a deficit budget of Rs 28339 crores with no announcements regarding new taxes. Provisions regarding entry tax on new industries have been changed to attract establishment of industrial houses in the state. New industries would be charged entry tax at the rate of 1% on industrial inputs instead of the existing 2%.  Reduction of VAT on fabrication of bodies of trucks and buses and LED bulbs from 13.75% to 5% has been also announced.  Priority is given to education, roads, irrigation and public health and agriculture. The State Government has proposed Rs. 4,800 Crore Annual Plan for 2015-16, which is Rs. 400 Crore higher from the previous financial year. Rs 27138.22 crore receipts have been estimated against Rs 29539.04 crore as total expenditure. The fiscal deficit for 2015-16 is likely to be Rs. 3,285 Crore.

6.      Jammu and Kashmir

In 2015-16, the total public expenditure is budgeted to be Rs 46,473 crore while the total revenue receipts of the state in 2015-16 are budgeted to be Rs 42,137 crore leaving a resource gap of Rs 4,336 crore. The focus of the budget is on a three-pronged initiative of “government, governance and changes” and on revival of Jammu and Kashmir economy as the budget has discarded old plan and non-plan classification. The entire old classification of the plan and non-plan has been discarded, now with only two categories of expenditure, current and capital. On agricultural front, VAT exemption has been announced on paddy, rice, wheat, pulses, floor, Maida, suji and besan till March 2016.
7.      Jharkhand

Jharkhand government tabled Rs 55,492 Crore annual budget 2015-16. The budget has proposed no new taxes. The budget has allocated 23,356.11 Crore on non-plan component while 32,136.84 Crore has been set aside for plan component of the budget. One lakh employments within next one year is also on the agenda. Stating that no new tax was being announced in the budget, the government would augment revenue collection through royalties earned from coal and iron ore. Reduction of tax from 14% to 5% on plywood, blackboard, flush-door, and laminates is also proposed. At the same time a concession in registration costs for immovable property of women has been proposed. A further 10 percent reduction in tax fee and stamp duty has also been proposed in the budget. Fiscal deficit is to be contained at 2.28%.

8.      Madhya Pradesh

Total Expenditure of Rs 131199.06 crore for the year 2015-16 and appropriation of Rs 142094 crore have been estimated. Targets set under the Madhya Pradesh Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Act,2005 are expected to be met. Fiscal deficit is to be maintained at 2.99%, Revenue surplus is estimated at 1% of GSDP while interest payments are estimated at 7.04% of Revenue Receipts. The state has witnessed revenue surplus since FY2004-05 which gives room for government spending. The receipts have been pegged at Rs 114422.89 crore while total expenditure for the FY2016 has been estimated at Rs 108834.92 crore.

9.      Punjab

The commitment of the state government is to put the state economy on the high growth trajectory, the benefits of which will reach all sections of the society. The Budget stresses on education and skill development with maximum budgetary allocation of 40.47% of plan outlay to social services. However, no new fresh taxes have been allowed. The revenue deficit is much higher at Rs 6240.38 crore as against the estimate of Rs 6393.96 crore mainly because of a decline in growth of revenue receipts. The fiscal deficit is targeted at 2.98%. Total receipts for the year have been estimated at Rs 78085.36 crores against the expenditure of Rs 79313.86 crores.

  1.  Rajasthan

The Rajasthan government has proposed an Investment inducing budget. The budget aims for sustainable, inclusive growth with priority sector identification for the state’s economic progress & prosperity. The Budget Estimates show an estimated fiscal deficit of Rs. 20609.75 crores for 2015-16 which is 2.99% of the Gross State Domestic Product. The estimated total revenue receipts have been shown at Rs 111361.66 crore. The estimated tax revenues generated by the State for 2015-16 are Rs. 47096.05 crore against Rs 39786.88 crore in the Revised Estimates for 2014-15, which is higher by 18.37%. Of the total GSDP, 6.84% tax revenues would be generated by the States itself while 10.74% of the total revenue receipts will go towards payment of interests. Mobile phones, two-wheelers and taxi services will cost more while coffee, marble cutting tools and radio sets will be cheaper owing to the hike in Value Added Tax certain items and removal of entry tax on 14 other items. Further, generation of 15 lakhs jobs by the end of 5 years are also on the agenda along with Make in Rajasthan initiative.

11.  Uttarakhand

Uttarakhand reveals tax free budget- welfare oriented budget. A tax-free budget has been announced by the Uttarakhand government this month. Wherein provisions for creation of a welfare fund for statehood activists and for running schemes launched last year for the elderly and the physically challenged among others have been made.  The total expenditure in 2015-16 has been estimated to be Rs 32,693.64 crore, total non-plan expenditure is estimated to be Rs 21,059.15 crore which is 64.41 %of the total expenditure.  Total receipts in 2015-16 are estimated to be Rs 32,310.07 crore. Fiscal defecit stands at 2.63% of GSDP.  Budget estimates show  a surplus in conformity with the FRBM Act. Provisions for the 38th National Games to be held in the state in 2018, ‘Rajya Andolankari Kalyan Kosh’, ‘Mukhya Mantri Vriddha Mahila Poshan Yojana’, ‘Mera Gaon Meri Sadak Yojana’, ‘Mere Bujurg Mere Teerth Yojana’, creation of a corpus fund for villages with a population of more than 500 in the hill districts and 5,000 in plain districts for construction/ reconstruction of drains, roads and water supply lines.                             

  1. Uttar Pradesh

Budget has accorded priority to roads, irrigation and power sectors. Rs. 51,516 crore has been allocated for strengthening and development schemes of energy, irrigation, roads and bridges. Rs. 17,871 crore has been allocated for roads and bridges, Rs. 25,764 crore for the power systems, Rs. 9388.79 crore for new schemes. The growth rate of the state has been inferred to be 5%, which is more than the national growth of 4.7%.  A provision of Rs. 26,231 crore in the budget for Scheduled Tribes, Scheduled Castes, OBC’s, physically challenged and poor people of the general category has been announced which would benefit them directly. Rs. 2,776 crore has been sanctioned for minority welfare and Rs. 300 crore for eight thousand homeless families. Provision for Rs. 250 crore has been made for a new sugar mill of 3500 TCD capacity at Azamgarh, co-generation and ‘Aswaani’ plant in place of the closed cooperative mill at Sathiaon which would uplift the economic status of the cane growers.

Warm Regards,
Dr. SP Sharma
Chief Economist & Director- Research
The number of people who voluntarily refused LPG subsidy is overwhelming. It also reduces burden on our coffers.
"The number of people who voluntarily refused LPG subsidy is overwhelming. It also reduces burden on our coffers."
BJP Governments Honeymoon Over Or Divorce – OP Survey
April05, 2015 (C) Ravinder Singh

India Today MOTN OP appears to be an exercise to send gentle message termed it‘Honeymoon Over’ when actually there was no Honeymoon and actually 125 crore Indians and BJP Government never lived and worked together.
OP did in the end conclude all Non BJP Chief Ministers are performing better than BJP CMs when BJP States under BJP government at center are expected to perform much better than Non BJP states. Ministers and even Chief Minister are not free to take independent decisions like under UPA and all are regulated by powerful PMO.
Within weeks BJP government faced two months of severe drought and rainfall was substantially – at midway stage 25% but in regions producing80% of food deficit was over 50%. BJP government never had honeymoon or comfortable time for 70% plus Indians – 80% BJP MPs were elected from Rural-Farming Constituencies. Second half of monsoon2014 brought Unprecedented Floods in many regions particularly J&K.
Temples & Churches of minorities representing 17% to 18% population were attacked.
Even when Wholesale Price Index was negative or zero Consumer Price Index was unexpectedly 6% to 8%.
Bank Deposit growth was slowest in decades and Credit Growth to Industry was barely 2%.
Rail Fares were increased and for some unexplained reason no new trains were introduced and no Double Decker trains were ordered to replace Over-Aged Rolling Stock.
BJP suffered worst defeat in latest state elections for Delhi assembly secured just 3 of 70 seats in assembly.
Opinion Polls in India are Politically Loaded. Some direct and precise Questions would have pronounced BJP Government-People Divorce. OP didn’t ask questions regarding ‘Land Acquisition Policy of BJP’ or ‘Compensation to Farmers People Affected by Drought, Floods and Unseasonal Rains’ which are Burning Issues for sometime.
There is nothing Wrong in asking – What are the three biggest achievements of BJP government? But it was wrong not to ask – What are three biggest Failures of BJP government?
Example-I.  What were top three Poll Promises? Do you think BJP government will deliver on promises?
Example-II. Are you satisfied with the performance of MP of your constituency?

Ravinder Singh, Inventor & Consultant, INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES AND PROJECTS
Y-77, Hauz Khas, New Delhi-110016, India. Ph; 091- 9718280435, 9650421857
Ravinder Singh* is a WIPO awarded inventor specializing in Power, Transportation,
Water, Energy Saving, Agriculture, Manufacturing, Technologies and Project
आदिकाल से ही भारतीय समाज में अध्यापकों को उच्च आदर्शों
का पोषक माना गया है परंतु समय के साथ इस दिशा में क्षरण होता गया है और
अब  स्थिति यह आ गयी है कि आज अध्यापक भी सामान्यतया  न सोचे जाने बाले
जघन्यतम अपराधों के आरोपी बन रहे हैं. ताज़ा मामला उत्तर प्रदेश की
राजधानी लखनऊ का है जहाँ की समाजसेविका उर्वशी शर्मा की एक तहरीर पर
मोहान रोड स्थित शैक्षणिक संस्था राजकीय गोविंद बल्लभ पंत पॉलीटेक्निक
में कार्यरत  अँग्रेज़ी भाषा की महिला प्रवक्ता श्रद्धा सक्सेना उर्फ
श्रद्धा शुक्ला के विरुद्ध थाना पारा में छल, कपट, कूटरचना, जालसाजी आदि
जैसी संगीन धाराओं में मुक़द्दमा दर्ज हुआ है.
उर्वशी शर्मा ने बताया कि श्रद्धा ने उनके परिवार को क्षति पंहुचाने के
दुरूद्देश्य से छल, कपट, कूटरचना और जालसाजी से एक पत्र तैयार किया था.
बकौल उर्वशी उनको यह पत्र आरटीआई ( सूचना के अधिकार ) का प्रयोग करने के
बाद मिला था जिसके आधार पर उन्होने थाना पारा में एक तहरीर दी थी.
लखनऊ के थाना पारा में बीते 21 मार्च 2015 को राजकीय गोविंद बल्लभ पंत
पॉलीटेक्निक की अँग्रेज़ी भाषा की महिला प्रवक्ता श्रद्धा सक्सेना उर्फ
श्रद्धा शुक्ला के विरुद्ध भारतीय दंड विधान की धारा 420/467/468/471/167
में एफआईआर संख्या 113/2015 दर्ज  कर विवेचना उपनिरीक्षक रमेश चंद्र
पांडे को सौंपी गयी है.
उर्वशी ने इस संबंध में थाना पारा  के थानाध्यक्ष से मिलकर श्रद्धा की
तत्काल गिरफ्तारी की माँग की है.
समाज कल्याण द्वारा समाज के वंचित वर्ग के छात्र-छात्राओं को समाज की
मुख्यधारा में लाने उद्देश्य से यूपी में एकमात्र संचालित इस पॉलीटेक्निक
की एक महिला अध्यापिका द्वारा इस प्रकार की जालसाजी करने के इस मामले में
मुक़द्दमा दर्ज  होने के बाद अब  उर्वशी ने समाज कल्याण विभाग के
अधिकारियों को पत्र लिखकर “गौरतलब है कि यह महिला पूर्व विभागीय प्रमुख
सचिव यूपी के आईएएस सदाकान्त से ड्यूटी समय में चुपके-चुपके बिना
प्रधानाचार्य की अनुमति के मिलती रही है ऐसे में उपरोक्त  जघन्य अपराधों
की अभियुक्ता इस महिला के छात्रों और छात्राओं के मध्य रहने से
छात्र-छात्राओं पर गंभीर दुष्परिणाम आने की प्रबल संभावना के मद्देनज़र
आपसे अनुरोध है कि श्रद्धा सक्सेना उर्फ श्रद्धा शुक्ला को तत्काल
निलंबित कर उसके विरुद्ध विभागीय नियमों के तहत अनुशासनात्मक कार्यवाही
आरंभ करने एवं प्रकरण की जाँच किसी सद्चारित्र और ईमानदार अधिकारी से
कराकर इस महिला के विरुद्ध की गयी विभागीय दांडिक कार्यवाही की सूचना
मुझे दी जाए” लिखते हुए श्रद्धा को तत्काल निलंबित कर उसके विरुद्ध
विभागीय नियमों के तहत अनुशासनात्मक कार्यवाही करने की माँग भी की है.

-Sincerely Yours,
Urvashi Sharma
101,Narayan Tower, Opposite F block Idgah
मुलायम सिंह यादव मेडिकल काॅलेज व हाॅस्पिटल का शिलान्यास सम्पन्न
मुख्यमंत्री ने मेरठ में लगभग 107 करोड़ रु0
की 60 परियोजनाओं का लोकार्पण व शिलान्यास किया
Mulayam Singh Yadav medical hospital of keizai and we invite
The Chief Minister has about 107 million ru0 Meerut
60 projects was dedicated and did invite
37 million ru0 33 projects was dedicated
And to invite the 27 projects ru0 70 million
Samajwadi Party's photo.
Samajwadi Party's photo.
Rahul Gandhi will be back soon and amongst the people:Smti Sonia Gandhi
Friends write your comments if you are a fan of Rahulji,We will post some of the comments
"Rahul Gandhi will be back soon and amongst the people:Smti Sonia Gandhi<br />
#BeWithRG<br />
Friends write your comments if you are a fan of Rahulji,We will post some of the comments"
“This week, together with our allies and partners, we reached a historic understanding with Iran.” —President Obama
Watch the weekly address.
""This week, together with our allies and partners, we reached a historic understanding with Iran." —President Obama</p>
<p>Watch the weekly address."

India gets its Rendez-Vous à Roland Garros Wild Cards Junior Competition Winners

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India gets its Rendez-Vous à Roland Garros
Wild Cards Junior Competition Winners

·         Sathwika Sama & Basil Khuma win the Rendez-Vous à Roland Garros title under 18 boys and girls category in India respectively
·         Playoff matches against players of China and Brazil will be held on Champ-de-Mars on May 24th to win the wild card for the French Open Junior Tournament

New Delhi, 4th April 2015: French Tennis Federation (FFT), the organizer of The French Open (Roland-Garros) and All India Tennis Association (AITA) find the Indian winners of “Rendez-Vous à Roland-Garros, in Partnership with Longines”, a junior tournament offering wild cards for the 2015 French Open Junior Tournament in Paris. Held at Delhi Gymkhana Club from 1st to 4th April, the top 16 boys and girls gave their heart out to win the tickets to Paris. Rendez-Vous à Roland-Garros is a unique opportunity for Indian players to experience the atmosphere of a Grand Slam and to feel firsthand the unique sensation of playing on Paris’ red clay.
Congratulations to Title Winners!Under-18 male: Basil Khuma beat Alex Solanki 6/3 6/4Under-18 female: Sathwika Sama beat Jennifer Luikham 6/3 6/4The winners of the national stage of the competition have earned tickets to Paris to compete against the other national champions from China and Brazil on May 24th. The playoff matches to win the wild cards for the French Open Junior tournament will be held on the Champ-de-Mars, right in front of the iconic Eiffel Tower. Shanghai, China has hosted the Rendez-Vous à Roland-Garros tournament in March and São Paulo, Brazil will follow in April.
Sathwika Sama & Basil Khuma showed great determination and battled hard for supremacy during final day of the tournament. Basil Khuma, aged 17 from Mizoram, ranked ITF #644 played his level best in the final to beat seeded #2 Alex Solanki (ITF #271). Khuma made his way through a win granting him a ticket to Paris without losing a set the whole week. He said a few minutes after his win “I thank my family for their support, this is the result of all the hard work I’ve put for this tournament. This will be my 3rd time in Paris, and I can’t wait to be there – this tournament is going to give me a lot of confidence and experience. Most Importantly, I would like to thank Roland-Garros for such a great opportunity. I am now looking forward to going to Paris with an open mind to have fun, enjoy tennis and hopefully I’ll get the wild-card“
In the women’s draw, despite being one of the youngest (she is only 15) among other competitors Sathiwka Sama, ranked ITF #327 from Hyderabad, earned her ticket to the final playoff in Paris after an impressive tournament in which she beat both the top seeded players. In the final, Jennifer Luikham, ITF #271 was not able to resist to Sathiwka’s regularity and tennis science. Sathiwka had nevertheless a hard time closing the match with 7 match balls needed to wrap it up. An extremely excited Sathwika said on her victory “Rendez-Vous à Roland-Garros has been a very good tournament for me. I am really happy to beat the top two seeded players. I did not get tense at all after missing the first six match points, I stayed confident and focused on the next points. This is a moment of my lifetime! I’m so excited to go to Paris, I’m going to shop like crazy!”
Junior tennis talents in India dream of winning at Roland-Garros after their senior role model Ramesh Krishnan claimed his junior Grand Slam title in 1979. The host of a local tournament for wild cards into the main draw of the boys’ and girls’ championships of the French Open has now provided a path to realizing their dreams.

Coming of Champions Trophies
For the first time, the French Open Champion Trophies were brought on Indian soil. The two trophies (Musketeers’ cup for men and Suzanne Lenglen’s cup for women) once in the hands of Rafael Nadal, Roger Federer or Serena Williams have been displayed at various locations in Delhi in order to bring Roland-Garros’ tournament closer to the Indian fans and culture. The trophies were taken for photo shoot at Taj Mahal, a symbol of India worldwide, Red Fort, Qutub Minar, the Alliance Française and  Delhi Lawn Tennis Association.

About Roland-Garros
Both committed sports fans and the general public alike have come to love Roland-Garros. Some 462,384 spectators flocked to the highly prestigious French Open in 2014, and the tournament was also broadcast in 191 territories across the world, making it an event of truly global significance. Roland-Garros is run by the French Tennis Federation and held every year at the Porte d’Auteuil in Paris. It is the only Grand Slam to be played on clay – one of the oldest and most noble surfaces in the history of tennis
About All India Tennis Association
All India Tennis Association is the National Federation for development and promotion of Indian Tennis.  It has a very strong and tiered junior tournament & ranking structure and a sound professional tournament structure for Men & Women.  AITA also has a sound coach’s education programme and is the only recognized nation in Asia to have the ITF Silver Certification.
For further information, please contact
IPAN Hill+Knowlton Strategies
Tel: 0124-48967300
The National Council of the party of the common man portrays a meeting March 28/minutes, National Council Member Rajiv Godara dvara peer name:
Occurred on March 28, 2015 layman party National Council meeting of peers (some of them from Punjab mp dharamveer Gandhi & Delhi MLA Pankaj Pushkar included) by Geoffrey boycott | As well as a partner in meeting the Council members to be abusing co-star, speaking time will not be delivered and took charge of murder of democracy, on the other hand these things was dubbed concocted |
Meanwhile, the media went through a number of sources in khabren, whereby the National Council meeting in which something happened it has deep ranging mist | I told Geoffrey boycott, the meeting also had a few people asking what was happened in the end? It took place on March 28 at the demand that the party’s National Council meeting the common man witnessed the correct details you all be sanjha |
Maybe you tell if my account of the meeting is not correct. It should always remain suspicious. Does anyone believe in politics as well as the gods assume raises individualism, which is the duty of alternative politics defy | At a meeting of the Council of menrashtriya these situations have to be real video release both cameras so we can volunteer and public truth | If the video is released so you can figure out who is telling the truth
On March 27 showed that instruct legislators have been in Delhi on March 28, the party’s National Council to every legislator, at least 50 people have shortcomings. It was difficult to understand that from when such people were not involved in the meeting could be being called them why?
Agenda of the meeting was sent several days ago but on March 27 sent by changing the agenda | While there was no national executive meeting, send it by changing the agenda can’t even tell what made such opinions at the meeting. January 30, 2014 at the National Council meeting minutes were not sent yet, had hoped that before the start of the March 28 meeting gave janzen last meeting minutes |
March 28th, I came to the meeting venue, saw that there were nearly a thousand people gathered, of which nearly two hundred people was in the hands of the takhtiyan which were written slogans against yogendra & Pacific | Then come to realize that these people why was called | When arrived there around hundred people by yogendra besieged and took of yogendra Yadav Moradabad slogans | Yogendra Yadav staying standing between those media are responding to questions after police cops, quite a while yogendra | Yadav to request that they go to come in within the railing | but when several of the pahuche Council fellow at the door were in line to go inside, then stood in line and yogendra police try making that immediately go to come in.But according to yogendra went inside line |
Kalista resort main gate outside but inside the railing in the National Council was called but few companions who wouldn’t let was being given, they were trying to say your partner talk, but no one was listening. Then go to the meeting by yogendra demand and sat on dharna vahin land | But some colleagues to go somewhere then let some other colleagues like to tell due to not let |
Go inside the main doors of the resort to have been inside. Have to put vahin | A little further, the bull was going to go through the metal detector pen also may want to | Utrava jute before the Auditorium | Some members on the proceeding separately vahin room was being taken.
Meeting began at Delhi’s all legislators ‘ diamond ‘ were brought in front of Council members, stating then MPs also called | It was not clear that the legislature invite Member in the House are over. Then began the meeting by Manish sisodiya and convener Arvind kejrival on the stage called for the chairmanship, as well as other members of c. p. AI also called on stage | Agenda number one was the convenor’s speech | The convenor of the party called for the-ji speech was kejrival Arvind | Arvind began his speech, which lasted nearly 60 minutes edited video on u-tube which you: heard will be the same. Arvind has initially said that co-workers tell the public the entire speech was said to live, but I (Arvind) is inside the House, said that should remain indoors. But later made, of which he edited video release “the House in the House” that thing has been deleted.
Convener first ten minutes as Chief Government achievements of ginny, then an Damm Pacific, yogendra & consoles Bhushan against a complainant (like he said all who already have arrived in the media by Dilip Pandey were) like jadte, the judge accused the allegations stating the truth (no checks and no Pacific, gave the hearing enables yogendra or peace Bhushan) decision went through. (Arvind, who said her gundosh is different than writing on plan) keeping their charges and similar decision: Arvind said a respected and senior fellow, said Kiran Bedi are better candidates for Chief Minister Arvind | The people in the House of uksate, stating whether the person should be at the party to tell you again what? who kept out of the party? Some of the people in the House (especially the legislators) started the commotion, slogans began to grow on the side of those consoles-ji | These guys were meeting these betrayals from Gage get out | At this time were all standing quietly with Mike see Arvind (except to say up to two to four times). I stood (Rajiv Godara) Arvind said it’s all happening, this uproar to karvaie, you are the President of the Council. But Arvind were silent. Then Sanjay Singh said that if peace was not so we head out janzen | About seven minutes after the meeting began proceedings again (party were issued by video this video of seven minutes shown just 25 seconds) |
Arvind has continued in the same vein in his word. Arvind nullifies this, stating that I’ve come to win, who want to come with me come that go with a loss, they go to that side. After you select them (pranshat – yogendra) or choose me (this after a group of legislators, including Council members started screaming, someone was saying we are with you, without discussion of the way that Arvind without vote to the atmosphere of chaos and peak evacuated, This condition was not even try retaining) |
I was able to also request (Rajiv Godara) that discusses how one sided you can decide this very point, the other side must be heard. Only Ramzan Chaudhry-ji said it all even by Arvind is getting it off karvaie | It sounds I heard. Soon afterwards only someone loudly said Ramadan they took out | I ran out side (Rajiv Godara), then appeared out of the new hall which I see went back inside the back door | Then I heard that the left-side door of the Auditorium was the voice of Ramadan that are killing me why wear two shoes so I | | I see Ramadan was surrounded by 8-10 people. Then I chilaya that clean carton Ramadan | Its well Hall Sanjeev Walia, yogendra Yadav have come out and leave all to the Ramadan | Go inside, we questioned how it is abusing co-star, such resignation is people from baunsars hataiye | Legislators voiced by yogendra Yadav Colonel sehrawat also asked the Forum to go and Arvind are all in front of you and you are quiet. What’s your duty? at the same time Sanjeev Walia & me (Rajeev Godara) caught by some mustande variety and also to keep the stand point of order allowed, even by some-ji baunsars progress forcibly killed Walia | Ramadan also complained that during the beating the Sanjay Singh sought and then go to Ramadan apology by visiting Mike said it should stop pushing mukki | It later became the quiet commotion | (This noise shabir and being quite long walks all the event order, but only a very small part in the edited video released shows a face as well as a second camera that listeners: side have not been released, was its real footage, because he can bring all of the aslayit front, (this part also released video has been removed from) asked me after urgent meetings: the go from bajah | now The gathering was presided over by Gopal Rai will | The chairmanship was left at the House decided to | But those headed by Gopal Rai has heard, which decided to make obviously were not fair because Gopal Rai has already had to give up against the Pacific and yogendra byan |
When Arvind started so many colleagues (Council members) has urged to listen to the other side and wished that Arvind members answer questions posted there, but the mustandon made me: (Rajeev Godara) and others speak up not only your colleagues | Many colleagues were prevented from getting caught, the point of order was also not too good an opportunity to keep | But yogendra Yadav told are headed by Arvind until you sucking speech (which in fact was only complaining and decision) must be found which discuss the allegations recite them guilty decision has been conveyed, should also listen to them listen and answer the questions give Arvind | But Arvind felony of baunsars House (the Council members were not allowed to speak) instead of prevent moved from conference room |
Arvind-ji sisodiya after Mike in hand, he will preside over the announcement that Gopal Rai | Try to keep the point of order Ajit JHA and other colleagues tried to keep but has heard nothing. In this way he made the President, Gopal Rai, whose behavior is already being biased towards the Pacific and yogendra Yadav |
Without the President’s permission to continue to speak with Mike by Manish sisodiya said Pacific, yogendra, Ajit Kumar JHA and has 167 against the proposal that they should be removed from national Executive | Which again triggered the near shore, which was also avaje of MLAs (legislators who did not vote in the National Council of rights) voted this way without the said proposal: to have happened was declared. Many colleagues wished to raise a question of law, but several members, including me (Rajiv Godara) surrounded by baunsars and not your thing to say | Demand for the notes by raising questions and offer turn a deaf ear to the demands of the members getting secret ballot been | Yogendra Yadav said the silent sitting House speaker out intrusive and offer you the proper way to get inquiry and by secret ballot as well. But the wax sculpture of sitting up like House speaker said may write it the proceedings of the House of yogendra said you rock so we can keep your mind by writing and demand | But the President has not even heard one thing, then the House of undemocratic manner ongoing proceeding had no other way but to Geoffrey boycott, because many members have, of which I was also a Geoffrey boycott | National Council of 60 members of the House of the Punjab, Patiala mp Geoffrey boycott that Dr. Dharamveer Gandhi and assembly area of Delhi timarpur MLA Pankaj Pushkar also Geoffrey boycott |
After coming out of the Conference room by bhagvant value and do not exclude Ramadan come and Alka Seltzer lamba Chau began making press to go | His Ramadan brother said you have to show your doctor the injuries on campus, go out right or show media news | This took too long the jidd e-rickshaw to hold the Ramadan brothers and sat calmly Bhushan-ji | When I drove from Alka Seltzer contain Lamba (Rajiv Godara) and prevent pressure instead of Ramadan occurred in house felony spoke to speak against the mp have come between bhagvant value | I had them also wear-ji Bhagat Singh’s turban bhagvant value some put its laj | Show courage and democracy in the House pick up against htya | It also asked the people of Punjab will answer that htya from nimarmata of democracy and Swaraj was getting, then why were you up to? Do you dream of Chief Minister raise individual worship is so janchane? It also said that you don’t get with Pacific and yogendra want but what happened in the Conference room, pick up the voice against him.
What are the people in the House were invited, what specifically has decided, it was reported. Not even those of the National Council’s list was released that had the right to vote. House Panel votes to give voter and identify those that could be either | Therefore invites the Member and lawmaker who filled the noisy eaters were, in my opinion were imposing, while Council members were unable to say his word |
Yogendra Yadav
8 hrs ·
स्वराज संवाद के लिए आमंत्रण
आज देश में वैकल्पिक राजनीति की यात्रा एक चौराहे पर खड़ी है. यह एक निर्णायक घड़ी है वैकल्पिक राजनीति की दशा का मूल्यांकन करने की. यह एक घड़ी है भविष्य की दिशा तय करने की. इसलिए इस यात्रा के कुछ हमसफ़र आंबेडकर जयंती, 14 अप्रैल को मिल-बैठकर एक चर्चा आयोजित कर रहे हैं.
आज से कोई चार बरस पहले हम सबने एक असंभवप्राय सी यात्रा शुरू की थी. जनलोकपाल की मांग को लेकर जंतर-मंतर, रामलीला मैदान और इंडिया गेट से होती हुई यह यात्रा ना जाने कितने पडाओं पर ठहरी, लेकिन रुकी नहीं. इस देश को बदलने का संकल्प लिए इस यात्रा ने हर चुनौती को गले लगाया. हम राजनीति में जीतने के लिए ही नहीं, राजनीति को बदलने के लिए आये. हमने राजनीति में मर्यादा, नीति, संगठन की नयी रीति और नयी राजनीतिक संस्कृति स्थापित करने का बीड़ा उठाया. देश और संगठन के भीतर स्वराज हमारा नारा था, भावी इतिहास हमारा था.
आज यह यात्रा एक बार फिर चौराहे पर खड़ी है. वक़्त है ठिठक के सोचने का, पीछे मुड़के देखने का, आगे की दिशा तय करने का. राजनीति के हमारे अनुभव ने हमें बहुत कुछ सिखाया है. हमने देखा है कि आज भी नयी पीढ़ी में त्याग, बलिदान और आदर्श की कमी नहीं है. देश और दुनिया के कोने-कोने में बैठे हिन्दुस्तानी एक सुन्दर भारत के सपने के लिए आहुति देने के लिए तैयार हैं. हमने देखा है कि पाप और झूठ पर खड़े सत्ता के महल ताश के पत्तों की तरह ढह सकते हैं. हमने देखा है कि इस देश के आम आदमी, आम औरत और अंतिम इंसान नए राजनीति को गले लगाने के लिए आतुर है. हमने देखा है कि इतिहास की धार मोड़ी जा सकती है.
इस सफ़र से हमने कुछ सबक भी सीखे हैं. जहाँ एक ओर हम अपने मंजिल के करीब आये, वहीँ दूसरी ओर हमारे सपने और हकीक़त में फासला बढ़ा भी है. हम चले थे देशव्यापी विकल्प बनने के लिए लेकिन कहीं एक क्षेत्रीय या महानगरीय दायरे में सिमट रहे हैं. एक राजनीतिक आन्दोलन महज एक चुनावी मशीन बनता जा रहा है और वॉलंटियर उस मशीन के पुर्जे. हम राजनीति को बदलें उससे पहले राजनीती हमें बदल रही है. व्यक्तिपूजा, हर कीमत पर सफलता की लालसा, मर्यादा को ताक पर रखने की प्रवृत्ति और येन, केन, प्रकारेण चुनाव जीतना और सत्ता बने रहना – यह सब बीमारियाँ हमसे दूर नहीं है. पिछले कुछ दिनों में तो हमने अपने ही घर के भीतर इन बीमारियों का घिनौना स्वरुप देखा.
हमारे कई हमसफ़र स्तब्ध हैं,क्षुब्ध हैं और चिंतित भी हैं. एक ओर तो आन्दोलन की एकता टूटने का ख़तरा है. दूसरी ओर यह ख़तरा है कि इस आन्दोलन की आत्मा इसकी काया को छोड़ ना जाए.
इतिहास के इस चौराहे पर आज हमें अपनी दिशा चुननी होगी. अगर इसी रास्ते पर चलते रहे तो क्या सब कुछ अपने आप ठीक हो जाएगा या कि हालात बद से बद्तर होते चले जायेंगे?दूसरा रास्ता इसी काफ़िले में बने रहते हुए आंतरिक सुधार का है. लेकिन क्या उसकी गुंज़ाइश बची है? तीसरा रास्ता,राजनीति को छोड़कर गैर-राजनीतिक आन्दोलन और समाजसेवा का है. लेकिन कहीं ये पलायन तो नहीं? चौथा रास्ता,आन्दोलन की आत्मा को याद करते हुए नए सिरे और नए संकल्प के साथ इस यात्रा को बारा शुरू करने का है. लेकिन क्या हममें इसकी हिम्मत बची है? कौन होंगे इस यात्रा के हमसफ़र, कैसा होगा इस यात्रा का नक्शा?
इन सब सवालों पर खुले मन से चर्चा के लिए हमने स्वराज संवाद आयोजित किया है. यह ना तो किसी के पक्ष में लामबंदी है,ना ही किसी के खिलाफ बगावत. हमारा इरादा सच की तलाश करते हुए सर्वोच्च अनुशाषण को प्राप्त करना है,किसी अनुशाषण को तोड़ना नहीं. हाँ सच कहना अगर बगावत है तो समझो हम सब बाग़ी हैं!
‘स्वराज-संवाद’ नव-वर्ष और आंबेडकर जयंती के शुभ अवसर 14 अप्रैल,2015 को सुबह 10 से शाम 5 बजे तक गुड़गांव में आयोजित किया जाएगा. संवाद स्थल दिल्ली मेट्रो के इफ्फको चौक स्टेशन के नज़दीक होगा.
संवाद में सहभागिता के लिए कुछ चुने हुए साथियों और शुभचिंतकों को ही आमंत्रित किया गया है. अगर आप अपने या किसी और हमसफ़र के लिए आमंत्रण चाहें पर जाकर अपना रजिस्ट्रेशन करवा सकते हैं या फिर पर ई-मेल कर सकते हैं.
संवाद के इंतज़ार में
1. Prof. AjitJha (Ex Member National Executive)
2. Prof. Anand Kumar (Ex Member National Executive)
3. Christina Samy (Resigned, Member National Executive)
4. PrashantBhushan (Ex Member PAC, NE & Chairman NDAC)
5. RakeshSinha (Suspended, NE Member)
6. Vishal Sharma Lathe (Suspended Zonal Convenor, Ruhelkhand, UP, Ex Member NE)
7. YogendraYadav (Ex Member PAC & NE, Chief Spokesperson)
8. PankajPushkar (MLA, Timarpur Delhi, Special Invitee, NE)
9. Prof. ApurvaBaruah(Patron, AAP Assam)
10. PranjalBordoloi (Resigned Convenor, Assam)
11. Ram Krishna Raju (Ex Convenor, State Campaign Committee, Andhra Pradesh)
12. ChhayaRatna(LokSabha Candidate, Sikandrabad, Telangana)
13. Capt. Srinivasulu(National Council Member, Telangana)
14. PranabPrakash (LokSabha Candidate, Nalanda, Bihar)
15. Alimuddin Ansari (LokSabha Candidate, Kishanganj, Bihar)
16. Soni Sori (State Committee Member &LokSabha Candidate, Bastar, Chhattisgarh)
17. Nachiketa Desai (Gujarat)
18. Sanjay Baraut (Party Leader, Gujarat)
19. AmanGuleria (National Council Member, Himachal Pradesh)
20. Ashwant Gupta (Convenor & NC Member, Haryana)
21. Dr.RazaMuzaffar Bhatt (Invitee, National Executive & LS Candidate, Srinagar, J&K)
22. Dr.TanveerMaqbool Dar (Invitee, National Executive & LS Candidate, Anantnag, J&K)
23. ID Kahajuria (Invitee,National Executive, J&K)
24. DayamaniBarla (Invitee, National Executive & LS Candidate, Khunti, Jharkhand)
25. Vinod (National Council Member, Karnataka)
26. AbhayVerma (Ex. Convenor, State Committee. MP)
27. PrahladPandey (NC Member & Ex. State Committee Member, MP)
28. RachnaDhingra (LokSabha Candidate, Bhopal, MP)
29. MarutiBhapkar (NC Member, State Committee & LS Candidate, Pimpri-Chinchawad, Maharashtra)
30. Ibrahim Khan (NC Member, Maharashtra)
31. Lingraj (State Committee Member & LS Candidate, Bargarh, Orissa)
32. BhaiBaldeep Singh (LokSabha Candidate, KadoorSaheb, Punjab)
33. Jyoti Mann (LS Candidate, Jalandhar, Punjab)
34. Prof. Manjeet Singh (Suspended State Committee Member, Punjab)
35. Rakesh Parikh (National Council Member & Ex. State Secretary, Rajasthan)
36. K.K.Saharan (LokSabha Candidate, Churu, Rajasthan)
37. Major Punia (LokSabha Candidate, Sikar, Rajasthan)
38. VigyanModi (LokSabha Candidate, Jodhpur, Rajasthan)
39. David BarunKumar (Ex. Convenor Campaign Committee, Tamilnadu)
40. KanchanChoudhary (LokSabha Candidate, Dehradun, Uttrakhand)
41. Samsher Singh Bisht (Ex Convenor, Campaign Committee, Uttrakhand)
42. Sanjeev Bhatt (District Convenor, Dehradun, Uttrakhand)
43. ArchanaSrivastava (National Council Member &LokSabha Candidate, Rai Bareilly, UP)
44. HemaBadhwar (LS Candidate, Badaun, UP)
45. AbhishekSrivastava (Ex. Secretary, PoorvanchalZonal Committee, UP)
46. Dr.Abhishek Chandra (Party Leader, Varanasi, UP)
47. AvikSaha (Leader, West Bengal)
48. Pasrul Islam (LS Candidate, West Bengal)
Swaraj to communicate invitations
Today the country is standing at a crossroads travel alternative politics. This is a decisive moment to evaluate the State of alternative politics. It’s a clock to determine the future direction. So this trip to get some hamsafar Ambedkar Jayanti April 14-sitting in a discussion are held.
Today, all four of the years before we had started a visit to a asambhavapray. Jantar-mantar, on demand janlokpal Ramlila ground and India gate from it how to travel right after she, but not on padaon. To change the resolution of this country, this trip hugged every challenge. We not only to win in politics, politics to come. We have new political decorum, policy, organization, customs and to establish a new political culture pioneered. And within the Organization was our slogan was, “our future history Swaraj.
Today it is once again standing at the crossroads. Time is thithak think, look back to determine the direction of further mudke’s. Politics, our experience has taught us a lot. We have seen that in new generation sacrifice, sacrifice and even today there is no shortage of role models. Sitting in the corner of the country and the world are Indian dreams of a beautiful India are willing to give to the Holocaust. We have seen that standing on the power of sin and lies the castle of cards collapsed it. We have seen that this country is the common man, woman and man is desperate to embrace the new politics. We have seen that history can be folded edge.
Learn a few lessons from this trip we are. Where on the one hand we close to the floor on the other side the distance in our dreams and hakikat vahin increased too. We were moved to become countrywide option but nowhere are concentrated within a regional or metropolitan. A political movement is becoming merely an electoral machine and volunteer that machine components. We change politics before rajniti is changing us. Vyaktipuja, crave success, dignity at all costs keep on trend and turned yen, staying power, winning elections and Ken prakaren – it is not all diseases away from us. In the last few days, we only saw hideous format of these diseases within the House.
Many of our people are concerned, an angry and stunned hamsafar too. On the one hand, the risk of breaking the unity of the movement. On the other hand it is the risk that the spirit of this movement will not leave its physique.
Today at this crossroads of history, we must select your direction. If this is the way to go if everything will be OK or yourself that things will go the other way from the malevolent badtar are in the same while kafile? interior of improve. But what has survived his babycots? The third way, excluding non-political movement and politics of social service. But not so these drain somewhere? The fourth way, the soul of the Movement recalls fresh and new resolution to start this journey to Bahr. But what is its courage to play us? Who will visit this map of the journey, how hamsafar?
These are all questions we have an open mind on the discussion held Swaraj dialog. It is neither a, nor a lobbying in favor of the revolt against. Our intention is to seek the truth while getting to the top is anushashan, not a anushashan break. Yes the truth is if say treat we all revolt are rebellious!
“Swaraj-dialog ‘ new year and Ambedkar Jayanti April 14 good opportunities, the 2015 10 5 p.m. will be held in Gurgaon. Dialog site would be near the station of the Delhi metro iffco-Tokio square.
In some selected for participation have been invited only to colleagues and well-wishers. If you or someone else would like to invite visiting hamsafar can have your registration or you can
The wait dialog
1. Prof. AjitJha (Ex Member National Executive)
2. Prof. Anand Kumar (Ex Member National Executive)
3. Christina Samy (Resigned, Member National Executive)
4. PrashantBhushan (Ex Member PAC, NE & Chairman NDAC)
5. RakeshSinha (Suspended, NE Member)
6. Vishal Sharma Lathe (Suspended Zonal Convenor, Ruhelkhand, UP, Ex Member NE)
7. YogendraYadav (Ex Member PAC & NE, Chief Spokesperson)
8. PankajPushkar (MLA, Timarpur Delhi, Special Invitee, NE)
9. Prof. ApurvaBaruah(Patron, AAP Assam)
10. PranjalBordoloi (Resigned Convenor, Assam)
11. Ram Krishna Raju (Ex Convenor, State Campaign Committee, Andhra Pradesh)
12. ChhayaRatna(LokSabha Candidate, Sikandrabad, Telangana)
13. Capt. Srinivasulu(National Council Member, Telangana)
14. PranabPrakash (LokSabha Candidate, Nalanda, Bihar)
15. Alimuddin Ansari (LokSabha Candidate, Kishanganj, Bihar)
16. Soni Sori (State Committee Member &LokSabha Candidate, Bastar, Chhattisgarh)
17. Nachiketa Desai (Gujarat)
18. Sanjay Baraut (Party Leader, Gujarat)
19. AmanGuleria (National Council Member, Himachal Pradesh)
20. Ashwant Gupta (Convenor & NC Member, Haryana)
21. Dr.RazaMuzaffar Bhatt (Invitee, National Executive & LS Candidate, Srinagar, J&K)
22. Dr.TanveerMaqbool Dar (Invitee, National Executive & LS Candidate, Anantnag, J&K)
23. ID Kahajuria (Invitee,National Executive, J&K)
24. DayamaniBarla (Invitee, National Executive & LS Candidate, Khunti, Jharkhand)
25. Vinod (National Council Member, Karnataka)
26. AbhayVerma (Ex. Convenor, State Committee. MP)
27. PrahladPandey (NC Member & Ex. State Committee Member, MP)
28. RachnaDhingra (LokSabha Candidate, Bhopal, MP)
29. MarutiBhapkar (NC Member, State Committee & LS Candidate, Pimpri-Chinchawad, Maharashtra)
30. Ibrahim Khan (NC Member, Maharashtra)
31. Lingraj (State Committee Member & LS Candidate, Bargarh, Orissa)
32. BhaiBaldeep Singh (LokSabha Candidate, KadoorSaheb, Punjab)
33. Jyoti Mann (LS Candidate, Jalandhar, Punjab)
34. Prof. Manjeet Singh (Suspended State Committee Member, Punjab)
35. Rakesh Parikh (National Council Member & Ex. State Secretary, Rajasthan)
36. K.K.Saharan (LokSabha Candidate, Churu, Rajasthan)
37. Major Punia (LokSabha Candidate, Sikar, Rajasthan)
38. VigyanModi (LokSabha Candidate, Jodhpur, Rajasthan)
39. David BarunKumar (Ex. Convenor Campaign Committee, Tamilnadu)
40. KanchanChoudhary (LokSabha Candidate, Dehradun, Uttrakhand)
41. Samsher Singh Bisht (Ex Convenor, Campaign Committee, Uttrakhand)
42. Sanjeev Bhatt (District Convenor, Dehradun, Uttrakhand)
43. ArchanaSrivastava (National Council Member &LokSabha Candidate, Rai Bareilly, UP)
44. HemaBadhwar (LS Candidate, Badaun, UP)
45. AbhishekSrivastava (Ex. Secretary, PoorvanchalZonal Committee, UP)
46. Dr.Abhishek Chandra (Party Leader, Varanasi, UP)
47. AvikSaha (Leader, West Bengal)
48. Pasrul Islam (LS Candidate, West Bengal)
Translated by Bing
SWARAJ SAMWAD Participation Form
Quest for alternative politics stands at crossroads today. We need to stop to think, to reflect and to plan our way forward. That is why we invite you for ‘Swaraj Samvad’ a dialogue to be held on the 14th of April. ( Please be assured that the…
Naresh Kumar Sagar
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